ALL The Kings Horses: Couldn’t Put Back the Illusion of Science

The UK Independent has revealed that a new and improved study has determined that elderly people are more inclined to die from climate crisis conditions, specifically heat.   Floods too are traumatic!   PTSD is severe!   AH!  I wonder how much that Scientific study cost.

Elderly people are more inclined to die of CoVid, of flu, of heart disease, of pneumonia, of vaccines, of ‘everything’. However, a scientific report was necessary to make that determination.   But let’s look at the study.

The report was created by the Climate Coalition of the UK to re-emphasize the needs for a new pandemic given the old pandemic is winding down.  The Climate Coalition as ‘done’ literally – nothing.   But like all good scientific organizations, they enjoy espousing their opinion garbled as ‘fact’.

“Data reveals impact of CoVid19 on Livelihoods”.   The UN collected ‘statistics’ to make that determination, revealing drastic falls in employment and income….   Really?  Perhaps they missed the headlines, the stories, the anger, that has fueled protest after protest as lockdowns decimate industries, people are left homeless, depressed and suicide rates spike.

“Southwest reports first loss in 48 years, record losses”.

“American Airlines lost nearly $9 billion”.

“400,000 airline workers displaced”.

“Boeing reports record losses…”

Planes are parked.   Stewardesses are gone.   No inflight service.   No lines.   Nobody home at the airports – because everyone is locked down despite 1000 studies revealing that lockdowns ‘don’t work’!  

The UK wants to institute CoVid passports – no vaccine, no travel.   But the UK doesn’t have enough vaccines and likely won’t until the end of this year – or next.   Ho-Hum.   No travel for you.  That’s logical. So who is on the priority list for the first vaccines?   The people that don’t fly!

Germany says Canada is hording vaccines that could be sent to Africa where the rate of CoVid is less than .01%. Canada says they don’t have enough vaccines for their own population – and hopefully will be able to acquire ‘some’ by next fall.   In the meantime – continued lockdowns.   But then, Trudeau likely has the intellectual IQ comparable to miss Greta who now faces a criminal probe for inciting violence in India.

India has passed on the German Pfizer vaccine because Pfizer cannot provide the necessary data to support its trials. Germany apparently forgot to order their vaccines, so they are now looking to Russia and China for supplies. What the heck?     Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson periodically seems to enter the market, back out of the market, and enter again given defective trials and low efficacy.   This in&out is not a burger, it is a chemical dose produced by ‘Science’.

If the insanity couldn’t be worse, the Catholic Church was given $1.5 billion in US Covid-19 money. CHA CHING!     What happened to separation of church and state?   Why are my tax dollars going to the Catholic Church despite their having a liquid net worth of over $10 billion?    Did the money pay for charity – or did it fund the sexual assault lawsuits that have plagued the church?

Typically the Catholic Church spends 40% of its budget on salaries and benefits, 26% on overhead, 13% on religious education and youth groups, 12% on mission and charity and 9% on – other.   While this is somewhat better than the Clinton Foundation’s 6-9% on charity, it isn’t stellar.   In addition, a Church should have an effective $-0- balance on net assets given they are a charity and by description, they should not have a PROFIT at all.

And then we have the veritable ‘Fauci’.

The Science of Fauci would seem to fluctuate on any given day depending on what Gates tells him to say.   From the initial ‘masks are worthless for citizens’, to wearing 3-4 masks simultaneously will be best, to lockdowns are useless, to the virus will kill 3million Americans, to only 6% of all CoVid deaths are CoVid specific – the rest are due to the elderly… given they are more inclined to die from everything.

Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, just happens to be Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center.   This agency and appointment was created by Obama in 2009.

The Bioethics Commission Educational Materials per Mz Grady includes:

“Case studies explore ethical issues including communication and use of liberty-restricting public health interventions in public health emergencies.”

A full 11 years before CoVid lockdowns , aka denial of liberty, was implemented. How terribly convenient.  What an amazing coincidence.

While Biden continues to rule by Executive Order, aka Dictatorship, Congress remains infatuated with Trump, Deplorables, and Cwy Babies.   I wonder how many Congressional Members volunteered a pay cut during this pandemic given most, if not all, are millionaires sitting on piles and stacks of green dollars waiting to die.   How many scientists took a pay cut?   Who are the TRUE Deplorables?

Wealth inequality, vaccine inequality, white privilege in a country that is 74% white, seems the only worthy reporting for journalists who are likely to find themselves on the street as their sugar daddies at the MSM tank in revenues.  Uh-oh.   Acosta has already been cut and relegated to half time in the cellar.  Lachlan Murdoch, a devout Hillary fan, of Fox News, is now learning a similar lesson in honesty, integrity, and MONEY.

Knowing that AOC’s degree is likely a farce, Obama’s degrees are likely a farce, it is curious to watch ignorance amongst Congressional members focus on impeachment instead of a flailing economy.   And suddenly one might begin to wonder how many degrees were bought?   One dozen?   1000?   Were they all trained at the acting school of McKinsey & Co.?   Groomed.  Dressed. And handed note cards written by Handlers.

Certainly, those who were given a ‘book deal’ to not write a book, but to purportedly collect a fee in order to submit to a Handler Contract – do or death – bears a sigh.   It is fair knowledge that those NYT bestseller book deals are a money laundering scheme to own another politician.   And apparently Carlos Slim is more than happy to comply as his net worth continues to climb – $57.5 billion estimated.

This illustrates just a fragment of the illusion that was perpetrated for decades.   In addition to all the accomplishments of President Trump as delineated by, he did draw back the curtain of OZ for ALL to see.  

And that is why the Democrats ran so scared.

2 thoughts on “ALL The Kings Horses: Couldn’t Put Back the Illusion of Science

  1. Covid,,, the gift that keeps on giving… to the closet dictators and medical quacks. The following is a good read, at least I think so.

    It calls into question SARS COV 2. If you understand what they’re saying,,, everything they’re doing makes sense from a eugenics / Climate Change angle. The article is factual but if it can be disproved, I’d sure like to know.


  2. Strange, but elderly people are likely to die for any number of reasons. If you make it to 80, you are that much closer to death. Science will not save you nor will the medical system. But usually they won;t let you die to quick until they have raped your wallet. And no way will I ever listen to Joey, Gates or Fauci…together they make a half of a brain cell.

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