Fathers of The web – Do-over: Agenda 2030

Yesterday I was sent an article, “Father of The Web, Tim Berners Lee, Prepares Do-over”.   And like the person that sent it to me, I thought yeah! cool!   Mr. Lee stated that the internet is no longer what he created it to be, ie;  a free, open, vehicle for research and expression. Instead, he took umbrage with the fact that corporate America could literally censor views creating a nonsecure environment. More Yeahs!   That is, until I did a bit of digging.

Apparently, Mr. Tim Berners Lee is in alliance with the UN, Agenda 2030, The Economic Forum, Sustainability, and a ‘host of independent NGO’s (unnamed).   And a bat hit the shitake fan!

Berners-Lee is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and founder of the World Wide Web Foundation (W3F).   The Foundation is nontaxable.   One of its previous Board Members and financial supporters was former PM Gordon Brown.   Lord Malloch Brown served in Gordon Brown’s administration as Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the UN. Malloch Brown is currently the director for Soros Open Society.

Berners-Lee co-founded Inrupt with John Bruce whose specialty was cybersecurity.   One of their investors is IDRC – a Canadian crown Corporation which provides grant money to various African ‘causes’.

A newsletter posted on the Foundation site written by Berners-Lee states, “Internet access is key to achieving all of the world’s Sustainable Development Goals.   And the Internet Alliance has estimated that an additional $428 billion investment over 10 years will be required to achieve universal access by 2030… The money will be supplied by governments, ie tax dollars, and private donations.

Do I as a taxed person have a say in this distribution of my money?

Inrupts first client was/is Britain’s National Health System. Because according to the UN a global health passport will be necessary in order to achieve an Open Internet.

W3C under the tutelage of Berners-Lee created a committee to help in the architecture of this innovative new internet.   The committee includes technocrats from Apple, Google, Intel, and Microsoft whose vision is a Single Web for all.   Their site works in conjunction with Beihang University in Beijing. The universities global partners include; France, Germany, UK, Canada, and Japan.

The World Economic Forum has created five initiatives within The Future of The Connected World. In essence their drive is to have One Smart Internet that will connect to all loT devices.   These devises are listed to include health certificates, smart phones, smart grids, smart home security, smart home utility systems, smart wifi, smart printer, smart cameras, smart television, etc…  

As One interconnected device, should a person be blacklisted for possibly making an online statement that does not meet their censorship standards, all devices could be turned off.   China already does this when a comrade says something disparaging of the government – they simply deactivate that persons phone and arrest the citizen for questioning and re-education.

According to the UN there are already 27 billion smart devices or loT’s in use.   For many, these devices are fun; unlocking your front door from your office, or raising the temperature on your thermostat before you get home…   But of course, Twitter, Facebook, and Google were bad over-reaching monopolistic corporations, and a One World governance of all technology is – good monopolistic global control.

Within the initiatives invoked by the WEF, smart security which is drafted and framed by participants primarily from the UK and Germany.  If you had any reservations about an EU over-reach of governmental control – look no further.

The cybersecurity governance has apparently already been determined and includes: Microsoft, Bank of America, HP, WEF, Salesforce, and SWIFT which supports all financial clearing and settlement whose Chairman is Yawar Shah of Pakistan. In 2013 and 2017, SWIFT was utilized by the NSA to track and surveille. SWIFT has been the subject of hacking.

And lastly, because I am a girl, there is actually a UN sustainability Goal of “Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle”.   The tag line is “mobilizing the fashion sector to inclusive, equitable, and a resilient future in – ummm, fashion.   The idea being that everyone should have the ability to dress and accessorize like everyone else – because there will be no disparity or inequality of income and lifestyle…


I think that means we all wear Communist black garb because according to the ideals, it is all about consumer waste, buying less, and the anxiety and behavioral problems fashion creates which calls for ‘sustainable design strategies’!

I don’t think the Kim Kardashian’s would approve…

In the end we are entering the world of Hi-Hitler on steroids, the CCP on Adderall and and the US Congress on psychedelic mushrooms! The outcome would be something of a cross between Auschwitz/Mao/Rhinoism.

Being ‘Green’ and ‘Sustainability’ are simply words, tactics to garner sympathy and ignorant ideology disguised within “middle class poverty”, and Utopia for me – but none for thee.   Gates said it all when he declared that we must first see who survives our Agenda, and then cull further as the Committee sees fit.   At which point our world will be a Gates Population.

How very inclusive and clever!

In this roundtable of Agenda’s – the inauguration of Biden is fraught with curiosity.   Will the Deep State take him out at the Capital?   Will they blame the assassination on Trump?   Will Kamaltoes wreak her threat of gulags for ALL?

What we do know – The EU Government is NOT our ally.   China government is NOT our ally. Canada government is NOT our ally.   Australia government is NOT our ally.   Qatar government is NOT our ally – as is most of the Middle East despite the Trump peace treaties.  I question Israel.   Netanyahu has not shown himself to be a follower of America but a follower of The Swamp.

So. Who is left?

6 thoughts on “Fathers of The web – Do-over: Agenda 2030

  1. In your last paragraph you list countries that are not America’s allies. It’s the country’s leaders that are America’s enemies, not the people. It’s the same in America, your leaders have successfully divided the people into the centuries old artificial split of left V right: fighting each other when they should find a Robespiere and a portable guillotine.

  2. Hi

    “Do I as a taxed person have a say in this distribution of my money?”

    No. Just as when you deposit currency in your bank, it now belongs to the bank and the bank can use it as it sees fit. Same for taxes. Once paid, monies belong to the government to do with as they see fit.
    Not trying to be argumentative,,, just telling it how it is.

    “What’s left?”

    Just like everything else they promised, the web was/is pronounced the savior of free speech and just like everything else it’s the opposite of what they said. Amazing how the imbeciles told their darkest secrets, their political leanings,,, including pictures,,, of their entire lives for harvesting by the federal agencies. Twatter just canned Ron Paul. Now that should show us just how arrogant and sure of themselves they are. :))


  3. Who is left? Great question. I have no desire to become a participant in the virtual web for all. Whatever evolves from the current Internet, it will be a controlled environment designed solely to control. I don’t want a “smart” anything because there is nothing smart about them. They are all control devices for dumb people who have no control over their own decision making.

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