United Nations: A Superfluous Waste of US Taxpayer Funds!

In case you missed it, I did, the UN held its first ever conference in the US outside of its Manhattan conglomerate – in Salt Lake City.   In taking over the capital building, guards were posted and one extricated a female journalist because the capital was no longer US territory, but was now an International Compound of the UN and not subject to US laws or privileges – including freedom of speech.  OUCH!

The August event included such initiatives as:   Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: “to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable by 2030.

A secondary statement, not a part of Agenda 2030 per se is to laud how the UN has been inserting UN models within NY universities, basically converting the schools into Socialist unions or ‘human settlements’ utilizing the United Nation achievements as their standard.

The meeting was hailed a grand success because everything the UN proposed was agreed to – unanimously – not even one dissenter. All 17 parameters in the sustainability goals were given a thumbs up including making sure that in achieving everything global central to that attainment was the action of local governments – and the UN.   As in – they want to maintain their central core position of World Government.

Were they grand standing in order to ask for more money? Their coffers are short, and this may have simply been a PR attack to rally more funding.  Who knows, not my hairdresser, in fact no one knows, not even the UN because everything must be completely opaque.

Of course, you had to be ‘invited’ to attend, given the conference was closed to outsiders, you know, the riff-raff that doesn’t agree must be eliminated.

What has the UN achieved? According to the UN the following represent their entire list:

  • Maintaining Peace and Security. Through peacekeeping and conflict resolution initiatives across the world, UN has managed to restore peace and stability as well as reduce the casualties of war. …
  • Global Food Security and Aid. …
  • Fight against AIDS.

1)   There are currently 51 ongoing conflicts across the globe, the oldest began in 1947 between India and Pakistan involving Kashmir. Of these, 25 are in Africa.  Not terribly peaceful.

2)   The Food Insecurity index is predominantly levied throughout Africa. Measuring the data is based on ‘estimates’ and has only been available for the last 40 years. Therefore making comparables or grids or even a statistical analysis is virtually impossible.   What we do know is that millions are hungry – therefore the statement that Global Food Security is an achievement – is flagrantly false.

3)   Fight against AIDS.   Fighting is not an achievement.   It is an action.   The number of AIDS related deaths since 1980 has increased from -0- to 3 million and the number of people living with HIV has topped over 33million. I’d say that was not a ‘good fighting stance’.

In other words, the UN has achieved nothing.

So what model would they be installing inside our US Universities?   A model of committee corruption?   How to work for an organization that is an abject failure, has accomplished nothing, but pays huge salaries, provides stellar healthcare, and a bountiful pension while providing you with a free home, car, and all at the expense of the little people who live in human settlements…?

Today, the UN budget is well over $50 billion annually.   Their 18 acres in downtown Manhattan was refurbished for $2-$3 billion, all of which was an ante over and above their annual budget.   Of course, not to be left out, the Geneva office saw this as a cue segway to refurbish their headquarters too!   Ban Ki Moon declared that the refurbishment provide for an additional  3,000 employees ‘requiring’ 1.9million in additional square footage.  Ah!  That would equate to 633 sq feet per person – larger than most apartments in Manhattan!

In fact, the UN has become another Vatican City.   And with an achievement list of zero, and their intention to infiltrate all US universities, I personally do not think this is a good use of my tax dollars.

According to the UN, because the deadbeat US is paying dues in arrears instead of upfront, they are forced to cut back on their spending habits.   A memo was released in which they outlined new travesties, including:

  1. no more superfluous travel
  2. the fountain providing free drinking water will be turned off to conserve energy
  3. the bar will close at 5pm…
  4. no meetings after hours or on weekends
  5. interpretation services to the Security Council will be limited to 2x per day strictly enforced except when the Council deems it a feasible need for more
  6. the turnaround requirement for draft resolutions overnight will now extend to 48 hours
  7. DRUM ROLL! Individual water pitchers for Council members would be ‘curtailed’

Those dastardlies!  How dare they!  I wonder how much these priceless cutbacks will save?   Were drinks at the bar free?   Wouldn’t they have already purchased the water pitchers?  Or did they supply new ones each day?

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