Mitt Romney Bashes Trump…

Mitt Romney has once again proven his alignment is not as a team member in the Trump administration, but as a Swamp affiliate in office to disrupt and divide Republicans and the President.   He is old school, part of the old Bush alliance that helped to create the chaos that has enshrouded the US economy and politics.

When Romney first entered politics, he was a registered Independent and voted for the Democrat Party. In 1993 when he decided to challenge Democrat Ted Kennedy in the Massachusetts election, he changed his Party affiliation to Republican, not because he aligns with the values of the Party, but because it gave him a strategic advantage.   He was pro-abortion, anti-Reagan, and had aligned with Monsanto in his Bain Capital organization endeavors.  When he ran for Governor of Massachusetts, he declared that although he registered as a Republican, he was really a “Progressive”, as is – Hillary.  He won.

Immediately instituting a nationalized healthcare system in Massachusetts, and cutting spending, capital gains tax revenue that was implemented by his predecessor, cut the deficit in half.  Romney took credit.   While he was responsible for implementing spending cuts, those cuts were offset by cities and counties that were strapped for funds and raised property taxes by over 50% in order to counter the Romney effect.

But those numbers were not a part of his 2008 Presidential campaign, instead he ran on a number of flip-flop issues and lost to McCain.   In 2012, he ran again, amid a heated race in which his views and his term at Bain Capital were used against him to show he really had no platform at all – he simply went with the tide.  Again he lost.

Despite Romney’s acid commentaries regarding Trump, including statements that attacked Trump’s character, his behavior, his moral and intellectual acumen, Trump endorsed Romney in his Republican run for US Senator from Utah.  And Romney won.  In so doing, Trump rose to the surface while Romney appeared bitter, and wholly lacking in ethical character.

Today, Romney has allowed the printing of an editorial he wrote for the liberal, discredited, Washington Post, in which he again asserts his attack on everything deplorable Trump.  He wrote that Trump had not ‘risen to the mantle’ of the presidency and that there are shortfalls in his character… and on and on ad nauseum.  Of course, in so doing, Romney has revealed 1)  He has no character at all, he has no loyalty,  2)  He has aligned himself securely as a Swamp team member,   3)   He has a plan to destroy Trump with a little help from his friends,   4)   His choice of media outlets, the Washington Post, is enlightening,   and 5)   Chances are he thinks he can make another Presidential run against Trump in 2020, further splintering the Party as a Fake Republican.  The final accomplishment?  A schism of votes that take away the Republican bidding for Trump and give it to the Democrats.

With the Democrat and Republican Parties both razed in in-fighting, they are not representatives of The People, elections are rigged, platforms are all talk, and the Swamp regains a foothold with the advent of a Romney Senator.  Smartmatic, the maker of voting machines and the creator of online voting recently instituted its line in Utah.  The Chairman of Smartmatic, Mark Brown, is on the Board of Soros Open Society.

Romney has an ego, losing a presidential run three times is a relatively humbling  experience for most, but not for a man driven without scruples, asking for Trump’s endorsement and assistance, and then stabbing him in the back is hardly a new game for a man who has spent the last two decades perfecting that game and likely with the endorsement of Soros.

As the stage is now set, Act 1 has Romney flip-flopping once again in appealing for Trump’s support only to use that support to write a scathing op-ed ultimately  demeaning his own character, not Trumps.  Justifying his statements, he follows in the path of Jeff Flake and John McCain in an interesting stance;  he is pro immigration and will defend against anti-immigrant actions.

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