Was Jesus an Immigrant? Genghis Khan and Hitler were.

Migration has taken a giant leap as it is now become a ‘Jesus was an immigrant’ verse.  Effectively, nearly everyone is some sort of immigrant, but as usual, that statement is meaningless for the world is very different today, laws are different, society is different, and wisdom needs to replace empty statements.  Every country has in place immigration laws.   The purpose of immigration laws is to maintain boundaries of right and wrong, just like every other law we are required to obey.   Changing the law, not breaking it, is the core.  There are infinite inhumane observances in every country, and as such people fall through the cracks. 

But apparently, immigration isn’t really about humanity or human rights, according to a UN document re- released dating from in 2000.  According to the UN, the crisis was about Europe’s falling workforce, in particular male workforce.  The crisis was about funding future pensions.   It was about local populations falling behind.

The male population within the refugees and immigrants descending on Europe represent over 84%.   They leave their women behind, their wives, their daughters.  This has a twofold consequence; the country left behind – has no male workforce, the country going to – has a disproportionate male dominance.

In Syria, the women are begging for the men to return home.  Merkel says no.  Merkel says they belong to Germany now.

In Sweden, 90% of unaccompanied minors were male.   The very liberal, Justin Trudeau, in 2016 announced that only females, accompanied children, and families would have access to Canada’s immigration.

Historically, when the ratios of male/female become skewed, crime rates rise, rape rises, and prostitution rises.   Because most of the immigrants coming to Europe are of a lower socioeconomic class, their chance of finding a spouse is significantly reduced, thus starting a family, having children and actually ‘solving’ the problem of population won’t span a generation.  Instead, it will bring a skew of sexual energy that cannot be contained.

Perhaps that is why Germany adopted the legalization of Prostitution, in an attempt to provide an outlet for the skew and attempt to level the need to rape.   Unfortunately, prostitutes cost money, and the immigrants don’t have the funds, nor the inclination, nor the belief system in that regard.  When immigrants are mostly male, uneducated, and in poverty they are not considered viable spouses and will not solve the need to secure ‘pensions’ as productive members of society.   So essentially, the immigrant solution initiated by Merkel in conjunction with the UN will ultimately have the reverse effect and tilt the axis of violence, welfare, and the economy.

While Germany has been labeled Europe’s biggest brothel, it is estimated that 63% of its sex workers are foreign.    Germany has a law in place that brothels must register and get a license to operate.  If they serve alcohol, they must get a restaurant license as well.  Despite these regulations, Germany also admits that most brothels are owned by organized crime, those known to be trafficking guns, drugs, and humans.  So essentially, the German government, in accordance with UN instruction, is condoning organized crime in order to support the massive immigrant population that Merkel thinks will resolve the lacking functioning workforce through a cultural socio diversity that has no education or moral norms.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Human Rights.

The Caravans of immigrants honing in on the US-Mexico border are typically in the 80% range of male dominance.    They are typically uneducated, without resources, and thus often resort to criminal activities in order to survive.  They leave behind their women and children to fend for themselves in their country.

It is much like the adage; give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he is independent.   If our hearts are truly about helping the immigrant, then teaching them to fish means ‘in their own country’ with ‘their female population’ so as to maintain the balance and not further shift the axis of genders.

The countries with the largest skew in gender are Qatar, India and China.   In Qatar, the skew is represented by a slave labor force.  In China it was an imposed birthing law. And in India it was a ‘value’ added belief in which male children would contribute more than female.   India also has some of the most brutal rape statistics. While China and its media consider any statistics or information on this to be strictly censored, an interesting article by a young female from the UK who studied in Xiamen provided insight into the rallying call for prostitutes and rape in a country where gender skews are among the highest.

Many countries, including Australia, have in place laws that require immigrants to be able to prove their monetary self sufficiency, and/or their employability, so that their benefit to society is factored.  So why is the US so often targeted despite housing 11 million illegal immigrants and 44 million legal immigrants?  Statistically, it is a bizarre assault.

Was Jesus an immigrant?  NO.  He was a citizen of the Roman Empire.  Genghis Khan was defect immigrant via his conquests…   Hitler immigrated to Germany.   That didn’t work out so well.

In the end, what Merkel in Germany, and the Obamaites in the US are advocating is not the human right to immigrate, it is the slave labor right that is advanced in a monarchial society wherein historically, poverty was amassed and subjugated to the rule of the King and his court.  It is what created the mass exodus of Europeans to the Americas in the first place.

2 thoughts on “Was Jesus an Immigrant? Genghis Khan and Hitler were.

  1. Jesus was not an immigrant! Bethlehem, Nazareth, these were part of the same jurisdiction. You might call his family refugees while they were in Egypt, but there was also free movement within the Roman Empire. They couldn’t post sentries and build fences around every prefect’s territory.

    On the other hand, even in the times of Pax Romana almost all the cities had BIG BEAUTIFUL WALLS. Not to keep people out who had business, but to make sure you came in through the front door so they could VET you, check you out.

    Pelosi, Schumer, they would fight hard to make sure the wrong people don’t spoil their GATED, WALLED neighborhoods.

    • It was protection – and that wasn’t such verboten word. Everything was about survival – being safe – protecting – and that was what walls and motes accomplished. It is the core of a woman’s heart.

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