Facebook Deletes Russian Trolls! hee-hee-hee…

So Facebook removed 32 accounts that the media claims were Russian BOTS aimed at disrupting mid-term elections! Oh My Gosh!  They used such names as;  Aztlan Warriors and Black Elevation and Mindful Being and Resisters!

So I looked them up.

Aztlan has a website, and is still active on Twitter and UTube.  Their accounts identify them as Chicanos, they have tweeted a grand total of 23 times since 2016, most of which are ‘retweets’, anti-religious, pro-Palestine, and include one follower – a personal injury attorney that fights ICE.

Black Elevation – which is still on Facebook, hmmm, promotes Black Power, white = oppression, and anti-Bible.

Resisters – apparently attempted to create a protest rally in which they were to Unite Against the Right!  They are billed as feminists against Fascism.

Very Covert, Very Sophisticated – are the media gasps…

So how could these Facebook accounts be linked to Russia?  Well, actually there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever. None.  In fact, Facebook has announced that there is no VPN trail, no traceable IP address, and third parties purchased the ads.  Why would they be considered a Russia attempt to disrupt mid-terms if they are all obviously pro-Socialist and Liberal agenda’s?

Apparently, no one is doing even the most superficial of homework…

Virginia Democrat, Senator Mark Warner, is one such case given he has come out vocally against the Russian interference in our election – except, er, it would appear these accounts are pro-Democrat.  Oops.

Still, Fox News, NYT, Wapo, CNN and just about everyone are all jumping on the band wagon in desperation claiming this is a Russian attempt to influence the elections – apparently in favor of the Democrats?  Only, they are calling it ‘discord’ and ‘divisive’ as opposed to pro-Trump.   In fact, despite having absolutely no evidence of who, where, what, created these accounts, the Russia Connection seems to be the highlight!

“Undermining American Democracy”!   “Russian Style Influence”!  “Vivid Evidence that Russia in fact infiltrated the 2016 Election”!

If it wasn’t so comical, it might be critical, but contrived it most certainly is, most definitely convoluted, with still wet markings of a con, albeit a careless, crass, conniving, confidence trick – one.

Lining up, they demand/want Trump and the White House to respond to the allegations?   Why?  Because if they say Russian 500 hundred times, then it must be true. In essence they are merely in desperation mode trying to show that Russia didn’t aid Trump, but sought to instill discord, er, yeah, that’s the new and improved strategy.

If the whole things sounds fishy, it’s most likely because it is fishy.   It’s just a bit too obvious.

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