The EU: A New Ottoman Empire!

In light of BREXIT and Trump’s stance on the less than transparent UN, Juncker is making a bid to find alternate states to bring under the EU umbrella.

Macedonia:   With a population that is roughly 64% Christian and 33% Muslim, Macedonia is a fitting choice to add to the debt of the EU.   It’s unemployment rate is 27-30% and its poverty rate is in excess of 22%.   It’s newly elected Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev of the Social Democrat Union, is mired in more than a bit of controversy as he was charged with conspiracy with ‘a foreign intelligence service’ in initiating a coup against the previous Prime Minister. His squeaky election win was further underscored by the fact that the previous PM was part of the VMRO-DPMNE Party which is considered ‘nationalist’.

Albania:   Roughly 60% of the population is Muslim.   It has the 10th largest reserves of oil, and is the worlds leading exporter of chromium which is used as an anti-corrosive in steel plating. Albania is considered a prime tourist destination for southern Europeans and US citizens. Unemployment is roughly 15%, it operates a trade deficit of -9.7%. It’s PM, Edi Rama, is a member of the Socialist Party.

Bosnia:   Cited as 51% Muslim, the country is loosely defined as a liberal democracy. Despite this tag, “…the highest political authority in the country is the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the chief executive officer for the international civilian presence in the country and is selected by the European Union. Since 1995, the High Representative has been able to bypass the elected parliamentary assembly, and since 1997 has been able to remove elected officials. The methods selected by the High Representative have been criticized as undemocratic.   International supervision is to end when the country is deemed politically and democratically stable and self-sustaining.

In essence, the country is ruled by the EU.

It’s infrastructure and economy have yet to recover from the Bosnian/Croatian war that ended in 1995. Main industries include steel, coal and iron ore.   Its unemployment rate is near 40%, and it requires IMF loans simply to survive.

Kosovo: Approximately 96% Muslim, Kosovo’s status as a nation is subject to controversy. Like Bosnia, it has yet to sustain itself since the Yugoslavia war that ended in 1995.   Rich in agriculture, the country boasts 53% of its land use for the production of agri-products, and 41% a forestry. The current PM, Ramush Haradinaj, served in the Kosovo war and although he was indicted for war crimes, no charges were implemented.

Montenegro: The newly elected Prime Minister, Dusko Marcovic, is a member of the Democratic Socialists, not unlike Macedonia’s political metamorphosis. A tiny nation that was also created as a result of the Yugoslav war, its main industry is tourism. While in need of major investment within infrastructure to increase the revenue basis of this industry, Montenegro is a recipient of Climate Change funds with the approval of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The Baltic State Region, recognized as developing countries who are at the greatest risk of global warming, have been targeted for Climate Change funding according to the Paris Accord in order to mitigate these potentially catastrophic events…

In essence, all of this means that we have a bunch of Baltic countries whose nominal GDP per capita ranges from a low $3200 to about $6200, whose economies are in desperate need of a boost in monetary investment, preferably free, whose ethnicities are either largely or predominantly Muslim, who belong to the Socialist/Communist leaning political spectrum, and whose land bears fertile usage, wherein a solution was concocted in which a fake moral and ethical agenda of climate change was created, funded with private and global government donated money via the Paris Climate Accord and the UN, that would then be diverted to these economies for rebuilding and infrastructure spending so as to reinvent viable economies to be integrated into the EU, with the ultimate goal of recreating a New Ottomon Empire, which coincidentally was the stated goal of ISIS and Al-Nusra. In the meantime, the citizens of the EU extend welcoming arms unaware that their own ethnicities will soon become the minority and their lives uprooted and displaced. All under the guise of Merkel and Juncker who seemingly are aglaze in a false belief of arrogant power, indoctrinated into trusting that they will be tasked with a leading power role over this New Ottoman Empire, while childishly unaware that they are mere puppets who are ultimately quite expendable…


2 thoughts on “The EU: A New Ottoman Empire!

  1. HI! A correction for you…Baltic state countries are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, to the North of Poland. Kosovo, Albania etc are former Yugoslavia countries adjacent to Italy and Greece. Keep up the good work your articles are brilliant.

  2. The EU: A New Cultural Marxist ZioJesiut Ruled Ottoman Empire!

    Progressively fanatical anti-white and anti-Christian multi-cultural marxist authoritarianism based upon enemy bankers and their corporatist interests is exactly what we have today going on in all white Christian nations being enemy occupied by the cultural marxist/liberation theological Jewish/Jesuit/Islamic unholy trinity using people of color in their new age inquisition against us under the guise of leftist democracy and progressive white genocidal social justice. We need a traditional pro-white Christian nationalist political party as our white Protestant Founders created within this Republic for the protection of their white nationalist posterity.

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