The Religion of Science

What better source to find fodder for a blog than on a Liberal site. Case in point, a video is circulating in which Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an Astrophysicist, explains why he is so dumbfounded that people today would question anything ‘scientific’. He claims that people are today incapable of being able to judge what is truth, what is reliable, and what we ‘should believe’.   Because according to Mr. Tyson, Science is the foundation of the United States…

He further advocates that people who don’t agree with certain ‘viewpoints’ simply don’t have the knowledge to have an opinion and should therefore believe what they are told – verbatim. Specifically; 1. Evolution   2. Vaccines 3.   GMO’s and 4.   Climate Change.

Speaking slowly with a vocabulary and content that might befit a first grade elementary class, Mr Tyson laments that these ‘questioners’, these people of inferior intellect, do not define the ‘country he remembers growing up in’.

According to Mr. Tyson, the world today wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for scientists, they alone are responsible for everything good we have accumulated, including; the atom bomb, bridges that collapse, buildings that fall, forests the burn incendiary fire, cloud seeding that alters our climate, and of course all the ozone depleting chemicals, fuels, and aerosols…   Actually, he didn’t say that – what he did infer was that scientists are gods responsible for everything mankind has accomplished… and if dare to question, we are inherently denying what is true – and therefore we are ignorant. OUCH!

So lets look at the ‘truisms”:

  1. Evolution – by its very definition is a “Theory” created by Darwin in 1853. It includes the ‘hypothesis’ that bears could have evolved into whales because he sees that as a possibility given bears can swim. That part was later omitted from the book. Science defers to a spattering of fossils collected from one particular area that were dispersed and rearranged to become Ambulocetus – a ‘walking whale’. Utilizing an artist to fill in the ‘vast’ empty places, and without any evidence to support the bones came from one skeleton, a new ‘theory was created’.     The Entire Theory of Evolution is based on hypothesis, conjecture, limited information, and alternate views within the community – and is again thus based on unprovable opinion.
  2. Climate Change – by it’s definition is a theory as well because it is based on ‘observations’ that date from 1950’s forward when climate was charted. Everything prior – is based on theory, conjecture, and opinion as there cannot be ‘observational evidence’ which is required in science data. Add to the fray, if science was truly an absolute, based conclusively on evidence and fact, then all scientists would always agree as in 2+2=4. In fact, science is a philosophy of thought that is continually changing and evolving and changing again.
  3. GMO’s – no one denies GMO’s, that is an odd misnomer by Tyson. We simply take issue with the amount of pesticides and chemicals that are being doused and saturated on our GMO foods, and the nutritional value compared to ‘real food’. Those arguments have been scientifically – proven.   Therefore, Mr. Tyson would seem to be ignoring some science in favor of science.   Lest we forget, Science created all those wonderful pesticides that cause deformed babies, multiple cancers, death, disease, and a depleted ozone.
  4. Vaccines – Science has developed thousands of vaccines. Some have been required to be yanked for their failure rate or their side effects, including death, after the fact. Some have been the cause of virulent diseases requiring another vaccine in order to mediate what medicine and science – caused. Those facts – are truisms. Skepticism is born of failure. Vaccines are a trial-and-error. And much factual data supports the truism that the efficacy rate is not calculable because the trend lines showing the cure began years before the introduction of the vaccine. That is natural ‘herd immunity’.   We are also skeptical because often the ‘trials’ are faked, and when a lie is exposed, the natural thought process is – what else was lied about.

Oddly, what Mr. Tyson seems to argue is that people are flawed because we demand truth when it impacts or impairs our life and health. He feels that we should follow like sheep believing everything that ‘they’ the ‘scientists’ ram down our throats without question, because well, they are mini gods who created our world.

Indeed, everything about Mr. Tyson is rather scary, and yet would seem to be hailed by the secular community as their ‘bible’.   Science is a world of faith. Faith in theory. Faith in opinion. Faith in hypothesis. Faith in modeling. Faith in proxy.

Those ‘faiths’ are their religion. And given that religion may not be promulgated by public entities representing any part of our government, wouldn’t that include ALL Science?

It was only quite recently that science was elevated from its classification as a “Philosophy”. Philosophy is a thought or belief, not a fact supported by observational evidence. In the religion of Science there is no ‘consensus’, opinions differ, results differ, observations differ, and the ‘facts’ are routinely altered to coincide with ‘new opinions and assumptions.

While some math is based on absolutes, statistics are based on ‘probabilities’ given certain criteria, although the actual fact is not known. Polls are a popular statistical method for determining the outcome of politics. They have shown to be dead wrong, dead right, and somewhere in-between. A variable, not a fixed number, therefore a – theory.

Even Mr. Tyson’s preferred science, Astrophysics, utilizes ‘predictions’ which is defined as a ‘prophesy’, what someone thinks may happen given the foundations, the natures, and the nuances of science data. The same science is used by gypsies, tarot card readers, and the like.

Tyson speaks from a platform of arrogance. He believes that those who are not of his belief, who don’t have his knowledge, and his wisdom, are simpletons, ignorant and pathetic for they question the accuracy of data whose foundation is – the religion of theory.

3 thoughts on “The Religion of Science

  1. Thank you, Helena! Well written analysis of main subject (religion of science), Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and the fallacies, deceptions, semantics, and most important, the agenda of atheists, intellectual elites, global utopian ideologies, and all of the Animal Farm sheep who listen.

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson, like Bill Nye the phony scientist, spend more time expressing ideological views than they do being “scientists.” Both are boring, in my humble opinion.

      • Yes ma’am. My confusion now is with your first eight words. No disagreement with final eight.

        As you succinctly expressed, phony and deceitfully religious “scientists” cause more harm to the Scientific Method–and to Truth–than do any false-religion fanatic.

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