RAISE TAXES on the wealthy – According to Soros

Soros and some elite cabal of 400 wealthy politicians have all agreed that the wealthy should be taxed at an even higher rate, because they deserve it, and the notion that lowering taxes produces greater growth is – hogwash…

Problem; the rich aren’t paying the tax rate that they already should because, a) their money is in offshore accounts where they pay no taxes, or b)   because they take advantage of all the loopholes that Trump wants to close.  In fact, Soros hedge fund paid less than $1000 in taxes in 2013. So, their argument is well – condescendingly hypocritical, and manipulative… It presents a highly ethical mindset while the wolfe eats the chickens and disposes of the bones.

Why do the wealthy have offshore accounts? To pay less taxes. It is so obvious, and yet, the allusion would have us believe they ‘want to pay more’. If they did they wouldn’t have offshore accounts!!

Hillary argued that the wealthy pay too little. Yes, but not because of tax ‘rates’.   The argument keeps surfacing, and yet the reality is obscured.

Hypocrisy is a tool, it is a cloak, a mask, and ultimately a dagger as it pervades in brain-washing the minds of mankind speaking lies until the truth no longer even exists.

While Hillary and Obama have been the subject of numerous illegal transgressions, they are victims. Simultaneously, Mueller and Soros target and possibly even invent accusations in order to attack conservatives, on behalf of ‘victims’. Soros financed pro-EU organizations, including his own, in order to ‘persuade’ anti-BREXIT, and yet when Russia is accused of funding the Leave campaign, their money is treasonous, an actionable illegality. Putting money in offshore accounts to evade taxes by the wealthy is okay, but raising taxes is the means to a better economy…

So who are the ‘politicians’ that want to raise taxes?

The Argument:

“The wealthiest 1 percent in the U.S. pay the lowest taxes as a percent of their income and total wealth of the top 1 percent in any major country – and far lower than they paid in the U.S. during the first three decades after World War II, when the American economy grew faster than it’s been growing since the Reagan tax cuts.”

While offshore banking has been around for some decades, it was predominantly utilized by the mob to launder money. Later, the concept of moving money through citizenship gained traction in the 1960’s – remember the Beatles?   By the 1970’s corporations were developing strategies, but still there were no loopholes in place for its legality. Switzerland became the dominant haven for opaque banking. It’s popularity gained traction in the 1990’s, around the time Billy came into Power.

But the use and size of tax havens can directly be tracked to ‘rising tax rates’, greed, power, and the desire to “NOT PAY TAXES”.

The haven itself became big business, the British owned Caymen Islands evolved in the 1960’s when Britain’s taxes peaked at over 95%. Enter Singapore. Then the Brits used more island hostages to evade paying their dues. The Queen is implicated. David Cameron. By the 1990’s Ireland saw the advantage and lowered their corporate rate to lure Big Pharma.   Insurance and re-insurance companies followed with Bermuda.

The largest worldwide group of tax havens are British Empire based. The second largest is European based.  Coincidentally, they have some of the highest tax rates in the world.   Socialism not working?  It does have one claim to fame, it provides for the poor while robbing from the middle class, because the wealthy are all on their islands laughing hysterically.  Until their is no middle class – Venezuela…  And that is the ultimate agenda, because only then can the World Order be ushered in.

So when Soros, McCain, Clinton, Romney, Wasserman, Ryan, Cantor, Flake and the host of 400 who advocate for and demand that the wealthy pay a higher rate … it is a hypocritical joke, because they have no intention of actually moving assets back to the US, or paying a higher rate when they don’t pay at all. Because $42 Trillion is held in offshore accounts where the point is – to evade/avoid taxes.

Part of the problem is that Economists work from ‘theory’, not fact or emotion, and therefore their argument might have some merit on paper, but the reality doesn’t hold.   It is much like most science which purports to build a “fact” based on a plethora of ‘theories’ as the core.  No matter how many facts you stack on top of a theory, the end will always be – a theory.

Raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations will have only one effect – more offshore accounts.

There are 31 instances in the Bible where God’s judgment of hypocrites is fiercely decried. Judgment is harsh for these pretenders who live both within and without Christianity.

Be Wise.

2 thoughts on “RAISE TAXES on the wealthy – According to Soros

  1. When those you mentioned in your article start calling for raising taxes on the rich every citizen should know they are lying and have not intentions of paying any taxes – your article is right on target.

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