GOD – In The Hurricanes

Rohingya. An ethnic Muslim group in Myanmar that the media would have us believe is the object of ethnic cleansing. But the story is a bit more thick than that. The Muslims are a very small minority in Myanmar representing 1-4% of the population. The vast majority align with Buddhism with the second largest being Christian.   By all accounts the Muslims were initially brought to Myanmar as British slaves. But the cleansing is against Buddhists, Christians and Muslims alike, it is NOT religious, but rather a political ideology and socialist movement that aligns with Communism.

Today, in response, al Qaeda has avowed to avenge their ethnic purge through methods only ISIS, jihadists, and al Qaeda can sequester.   And so, the plot thickens.

If is not nearly as simplistic as it may appear.

While the militaristic government is a British reign of Socialist propaganda, and the coups and dictatorships are truly heinous, their ethnic cleansing is not relegated to Muslims – it is relegated to anyone that is not Socialist. As in Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton – Socialist! As in their genocide is not religious, it is political.

The twist that the media would have us believe is that the genocide is relegated to the poor Muslim minority. But this is far from the Truth. Buddhists are fleeing in massive numbers. As are Christians. And lastly, as are Muslims.

So who do we target as the perpetrator, the target? Socialists and Communists, propped and supported by both Obama and Hillary. The fall of the British rule after WWII. And the military coups that created a non-democratic destabilized country.

Despite the civil war that is currently being brutally fought, despite the wars that have permeated Myanmar for decades. The press is wholly ignoring this news in favor of reporting on Melania’s shoes, or Trump’s tweet. And we. Are being played.

Because the world is decaying, not because of global warming, but because of the decay of values and humanity.

Decoys. In the world of hunting a decoy is used to confuse the target so as to create a better end – kill. Trump is a decoy. The Trump rhetoric – is a decoy. While the media is focused on events and news that are valueless, the real news is rampaging without recognition.

What is happening in business? In money? In oil and gold? What is happening in civil strife across the globe outside of the US?   Why is the Pope making derogatory statements about Christians? What terrorist attacks continue to transpire in Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, the UK, Ireland, Germany, etc… that go unreported, under the radar?

Because instead, the media would rather focus on some created ineptitude of – Trump.

1)   a child decides that his standing – or not – for the national anthem is worthy of international news…and a lawsuit…

2)   a school apologizes for having a centerpiece at an elegant dinner that is made from ‘cotton stalks’… and that is more important than world war.

3)   a rehab/retirement facility in Florida is sued because Hurricane Irma caused occupants great stress…

4) Clinton goes ad naseum about who is at fault for her abysmal loss – and attempts to reap grand book profits because her $500,000 30 minute fees are drying up…

5)   and artistic statues that have stood for decades upon decades are suddenly ‘oppressive’ and must be destroyed so as to not offend the 1% of society that is ‘miffed’.

The world has collapsed into a soap opera of fake personalities, fake scripts and fake props. And the journalists have become soap opera puppets. NO one has respect for anyone, and the vast minority of the 1%’ers are ruling the roost …by threatening lawsuits.

Protests are allowed to propagate despite the fact that we know they are rigged and planted.

Education is allowed to disintegrate as it becomes ruled by the Socialists. And anarchy is paid for and justified.

A man writes that the devastation of the hurricanes is no different than his justification in divorcing his wives, children, families and devastating legacy, and the topsy turvy is allowed to reign.

The man can not take responsibility for his actions and therefore likens his choices to that of a hurricane or tornado, all the while not realizing – he IS the hurricane.

And so. What is left?

What is left is an abysmal failure of love and the possible travesty of the hurricane it leaves in its wake of a nonexistent legacy.

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