UN – A Corrupted Waste; Rebuilding Syria – Trillions in the Making

The UN is demanding $4.63billion in additional aid to help Syrians recover from their devastation, and to subsidize countries who are hosting Syrians. Of course the demand for money comes with a threat, if it is not forthcoming then there will be dire consequences not just for Syrians, but for all refugees and for the host countries…

I don’t know about you, but when someone demands money under the strong arm of a threat, it sounds more like ‘blackmail’.   But it is always the aftermath of an attempted coup gone seriously awry: Bomb a country, murder its people, leave it in disastrous rubble, no infrastructure, and then demand money to fix said country from the same people who bombed it.

So now, after spending trillions on a war We The People and They The People never wanted, depleting our budget, our economy, and our livelihoods, we are being told we have to repair said country out of our tax dollars. And if we don’t? We are being threatened by the very agency that did absolutely nothing to mitigate or stop the war despite their claim that they are a success in ‘bringing peace to the world’ – The United Nations.

After 3 years of useless bombing by the US and EU, Russia, Iraq and the Syrian government have successfully put a truce and end to the fighting in place. A truce between the CIA backed and Pentagon backed rebels vs. the Syrian government that we desperately fought to displace in a failed coup.  A sickening deplorable crime.

So why is the UN even asking for money? What have they done that warrants them – anything?

The UN, lays claim to five major successes since their inception in 1945: The eradication of smallpox, the promotion of arms control, helping to save the lives of 9 million children, protecting the ozone, and saving the pyramids.

WOW! Imagine if a corporation laid claim to similar feats after 71 years while riddled in mismanagement, corruption, fraud, sexual molestation, and theft. According to it’s audited 181 page financials for 2014, they devoted 3 entire pages to internal fraud cases, and nearly 30 pages to the status of audit recommendations from 2013.  I guess that would deplete their $5.3 billion Development Budget…keeping their records straight.

With assets totaling about $6.5 billion on liabilities of under $1.9billion, and annual revenue for the ‘Development Program’ at roughly $5 billion, about 6% of their expenses actually went towards grants and ‘other transfers’, while the remainder of expenses, $5billion were utilized to maintain the UN staff, consultants, and office, resulting in a deficit of about $330million.

Impressive?  Hardly!

The Development Program is only one agency/subsidiary of the UN and names four inherent duties: poverty reduction, sustainable development, peacebuilding and climate and disaster resilience. They don’t actually spend their budget to do anything other than to ask for more money for everyone else to do – something.

I’d say they had failed on all fronts – massively. In addition, as a ‘charitable’ organization, why do they need to hold $6.5 billion in cash and investments? But then they do provide annual leave, pensions, full medical benefits during and post employment, home-leave benefits, termination benefits, repatriation grants and ‘other lump sum payments’.

Its more perverse failures have included Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Congo, Sri Lanka and Haiti. They are so bloated that they have now adopted ‘advisory committees for ‘indigenous people’ for ‘sustainable forest management’, and ‘coordinating efforts of NGO’s’ (that would include Soros Open Society), as well as promoting abortions, vaccination overseers, agriculture overseers, education overseers, World Bank, WHO, and a host of agencies that ‘DO’ nothing but watch over those who are ‘DOING’ utilizing revenue from alternate sources.

In other words, they are The Middle Man taking a hefty cut to bully more money from countries in order for them to do the hard work.

And now they are demanding $4.63billion for Syrian people and for subsidies for host countries, aka, Germany, Sweden, and Turkey. Will the money go towards rebuilding Syria? No. That is a completely separate BILL which is estimated to reach between $180 and $200 billion, not including loss of economic wealth, and the decades it will take to re-emerge as a viable economy – after a failed coup that ushered in ISIS, displaced millions, and murdered hundreds of thousands – in the name of PEACE.


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