The God Particle – CERN’s Black Hole

The God Particle – Black Holes – Climate Destabilization – Exploding Atoms – Imbalances In Gravity Functions – And The Potential To Suck The Universe into a Hole of Chaos


The CERN project; a twenty mile long collider functioning outside Geneva which purportedly manipulates particles in collision force so as to create mini black holes and search for a way to manipulate time. Once time has been mastered, the doors will open to alternate universes – and alternate dimensions. While CERN has been operational for two decades, little is known, transparency is once again redacted, and the scope of the consequential reactions to our planet, climate and universe are quashed. We are not allowed to know. Because if we did – there is no way we would be silent.

Enter Stephen Hawking, perhaps the most celebrated intellect of our time, citing dire warnings that the collider must be shut down immediately, and no one listens… shhhh.

The God Particle, or Higgs Boson, is a particle that breaks the current scientific laws of mass and one that has no spin, colour change or electric charge – but is considered quite unstable as it is decaying. In laymen’s terms it is the theory that was used in the Star Trek television show that allowed the transporter to scramble a person’s mass and re-organize that mass someplace else. It is also thought to contain the answer to the creation of life. It is the scientific version of faith. While it is actually still a theory, yet unproven, manipulating particles and protons have the potential for catastrophic consequences – destablizing the delicate balance of our universe so as to literally create the possibility of it being sucked inside a black hole.

In the meantime, these experiments are said to wreak havoc with our ‘climate’, and our natural energy and gravitational fields as massive collisions of particles/protons are experimented with to test the efficacy of physical laws, the effect of which produces dark matter. There are some who believe that major natural disasters occur as a result of these collision projects: April 23 to June 26, 2016, June 3 to November 25, 2015, April 5 to May 20, 2015, January 20 to February 11, 2013, April 5 2012, to November 8, 2012 – etc… all testing periods that coincided with massive weather disruptions.

April to June, 2016; massive flooding in West Virginia, and catastrophic wildfires in California, earthquake in Krgyzstan, cyclones in the Arabian Sea, intense thunderstorm in Croatia, volcano in Ecquador, tornado in eastern China, intense heat wave in US, severe thunderstorms in India, record rainfall in Japan… the list goes on and each brought loss of lives.

Again… Stephen Hawking believes the collider is creating unstable physical changes and needs to be shut down immediately.

A Black Hole. A region of space in which energy is so intense that no matter and no light may escape. Steven Hawking believes that the matter absorbed by a black hole does not evaporate according to classical thought, but is garbled and spit back out, albeit in a chaotic matter. What this means to the laymen would be that a mass, a human form that was transposed (like in Star Trek) would come out on the other side completely re-created and most likely in a form that would not support life.

But the greed for knowledge is so perverse, scientists don’t really care, they simply wish to prove the possibility, even in a theoretical manner, with risk being an infinite formula. Risk is worth the potential – even to the loss of a universe – ours.

Was the God Particle even found? According to Stephen Hawking – no. What the press and media print are ‘theoretical’ discoveries, yet unproven, yet discernible, yet defined, yet known of risk potential and doomsday consequence. Because a great deal of science is just that – theorems based on theorems. And if the underlying theorem that stands as the core block upon which further theorems are stacked – the end result depends on each successive theorem having fact. It is similar to dating techniques whereby the surrounding area in which something has been discovered is used as the core point for dating a bone. In reality this eliminates the idea that the bone was placed there, moved there, or swept there in a flood. Static theory.

And while the conspiracy theorists have been having a particle day with the CERN project, it is hard not to listen to Stephen Hawking’s warnings. Credence abounds. Opening a portal, without knowing what is on the other side is something like Pandora’s Box, what we let in is more important than what we are sending – out.

What Stephen Hawking is warning us about is – the unknown. Attempting to recreate the Big Bang Theory without knowing the consequences is like playing with fire. These scientists have the capability of unleashing a jolt, that could spin our little planet inches off it’s axis and plummet us into the abyss. And while risk is necessary in order to advance, there are times when the risk out weighs the benefit – in the real world – but apparently, not in science.

Dedicated to: Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Georgia.

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