BREXIT – A Win For Soros!

Everyone is thinking that the people out-maneuvered Soros with Brexit… Think again.

Soros stockpiled gold and sold stocks – as in, he knew the outcome and is profiting once again. Soros had an agenda against Cameron for years, and perhaps the Panama Paper Caper was targeting Cameron more than Putin as the media bahhhed like sheep. It would be rather short-sighted to think Soros didn’t know that Cameron was in the Panama Papers. The idea that Soros plan backfired is preposterous. “Never underestimate one’s enemy…” The Art of War. Soros wanted Cameron out, how better than to mask the true agenda of Brexit, all the while banking on a ‘Leave’ vote.

It is no different than the Soros Master Manipulator urging the EU to not take in refugees – and then urging them to take in millions more – all the while hedging his bet with Erdogan. The mantra? “Do what I do, not what I say!”

While Germany grapples with the blackmail of Turkey’s EU membership, more and more Germanic countries want out. The result? The EU will become the new Muslim Nation joining hands with the Middle East to create the Ottoman Empire – once again.

Cameron had one last chance to save face and he failed, he knew it, and his role in the World Order has now been vanquished. But he also knows too much, and that puts him at risk for becoming a statistic of suicide…

Propaganda Due. An organization that ruled Italy and parts of Europe for thirty years after WWII. They used terrorist tactics including assassinations, kidnappings, paramilitary operations (NATO), and economic sanctions to get what they wanted. Civilians were targeted so as to create a sense of urgency and the need for more control for safety and security. Following the merging of the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU) and NATO in 1949, their power and operations escalated to the nth degree, morphing into what is now referred to as the “shadow government”.

It involved intelligence divisions of every major country, was connected to the Mafia, the CIA, multiple governments and hundreds if not thousands of politicians. Central to its cabal, it was rooted in the Masonic Temple and dabbled inside the Vatican, the extent of which is ‘not available’. They ruled with an iron fist.

The strategy was to create false tensions within countries, generate the threat of war, denounce peaceable citizens as rebels and unpatriotic terrorists, escalate protests with ‘provocateurs’, so as to destabilize a country and send it into chaos. Why? Because – peace is considered a threat to the dominance of western power structures. The idea is that the only way to maintain dominance is to rule by instilling fear.

Does this all sound familiar, because it should – it is the exact template that we have been subjected to for fifteen years, since 9-11. It is a global elite that is not bound by law, order, or budgets. Ron Paul refers to the funds used in these strategies as the CIA black budgets wherein no accounting is ever administered, the money is available, it is funneled, and all trace is wiped clean.

Back to Brexit. Soros lost confidence in Cameron. Dividing the EU is basic military – divide and conquer. Cameron became the scapegoat, and the UK has been manipulated once again.

Did Soros hedge against the Pound along with his ante up of gold and divesture of stocks? Probably, he’s not one to miss a good laugh at the idiocy of the game all the while raking in more money. While the financial fallout to the EU Commission will not be pretty as they struggle to deal with the refugees, all the while losing the annual ante from the UK, which amounted to a hefty 13 billion Euro as of 2015. How can the EU fill that financial void? Of course – enter Turkey.

It’s called – The Strategy of Tension

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