Fascism – Silence of the Lambs

No one in the US seems to see the irony of the notion that a die-hard Socialist is running for President against a Progressive Socialist in the Democratic party while we continue to overthrow governments around the world in order to institute a capitalist society free of the tyranny of socialist/communist/dictatorship rule.

We ignore the fact that our own system is replete with corruption and fraud and stand on a soapbox demanding that other countries follow our example… And if they don’t, well, they risk being destroyed.

We watch the degrading university systems in our US where students are allowed tyrannical rule and yet we fail to consider – who taught them…?  Silence of the Lambs.

We listen to the rhetoric of liberal fanatics demanding free speech while they sue anyone who disagrees with their version of that free speech. And in a more recent instance, actually barricaded an auditorium from a conservative speaker and his followers, created chaos, trashed the hallways, attacked other students, and made a mockery of the freedom they exalted.  All without any repercussion or consequence whatsoever.  It is “freedom for me but not you!” that is reigning terror across the US. And it isn’t the ‘whites’, or the ‘entitled white males’, or the ‘Christians’, it is the Liberals – as in – capital L.

A generation completely gone astray. What happened?

When asked what Socialism is or what it stands for, most of our youth don’t even recognize the names Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Jaruzelski (Poland), or the host of communist leaders in Serbia, there is a lengthy list. But, instead of educating our college students about these atrocities, we educate them on the grandeurs of Islam and Socialism. We glorify Socialism as evidenced by the northern European countries of Sweden, Denmark, and The Netherlands.

Even more disturbing, as a result of the media drooling over the recent tweet by Trump that was supposedly aligned with Mussolini and fascism, I decided to do some henpecking research and found some interesting comparisons:

  1. Fascist education was the indoctrination of the youth into a singular belief and ideology. The idea was that the youth would once indoctrinated would be the most valuable assets of the government. Their reading was restricted and censored to advocate for the Fascist system keeping all other forms of government squelched from the mental sponges of the young and vulnerable.

    This would align with our current common core, our universities spewing out children who defend Socialism but have no idea what it means.

  2. Propaganda. The media was controlled and all information supported one ideology, one rule, one greatness within an illusion of Truth.

    This would align with our current mainstream media propagating a continuous venue of lies and disinformation.

  1. The political and economic ‘elite class’ were pampered, above the law, and given gifts and national resources in order to secure their continued support. The rich got vastly richer.

    This is fairly obvious.

  2. The Pope and the Catholic Church were integral in Mussolini’s rise. Although Mussolini was an atheist, his mother was a devout Catholic as was most of Italy. The Pope endorsed Mussolini as a strong leader able to defend Italy from the anarchists, the socialists and the communists. Vatican City was granted it’s statehood by Mussolini and thus a fortified bond was formed.

  3. The mainstay for fascism was control. Not of the corporations which were allowed freedom, or the elite, who were demurely pampered, but control was an absolute in being able to corral the People.

  4. Give the military discretionary power to invade and conquer and invoke regime change because colonizing to create the One World Order, is paramount. For Mussolini, it was the revival of the Roman Empire.

So while the media is busy deriding Trump for a quote they claim was from the Fascist dictator, Mussolini, despite the fact that he lifted it from Sister Elizabeth Kenny, the same media fails to recognize we are a Fascist state already. We just don’t know it. Because the media tells us so…

And that is how and why our university student youth have come to be –

The Silence of The Lambs

2 thoughts on “Fascism – Silence of the Lambs

  1. No – the lambs are the sheep that follow – it is much more symbolic. Sorry, I tend to get a bit out there sometimes. And I did see the movie, although thrilling and scary and all that it was supposed to be – I can barely tolerate real life horror much less horror in fantasy land. Sorry to say, I prefer old time Disney movies where the good guy always wins and love is paramount… Thanks for listening!

  2. I read your article, but I still don’t understand your references to Silence of the Lambs. Perhaps you didn’t actually read the book or see the movie. It’s about a serial killer helping the FBI to catch another serial killer. Are you saying college kids are becoming serial killers?

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