General Patton Warnings of Communist Bolshevism

I decided to research some quotes by General Patton during and after WWII and delightedly found some doozies!   Patton was hard core to be sure.  He came from a generation where The Art of War was ingrained throughout West Point.   He believed in America with his heart, soul, and life.   But he also came to realize that he had been duped by the Military War Machine and the people he most trusted;  Eisenhower and Bradley.   What this realization did was to open his eyes to the realities that had been befuddled in illusion and lies.  

He fought on the wrong side.

“I was reluctant, in fact unwilling, to be party to the destruction of Germany under the pretense of denazification . . . I believe Germany should not be destroyed, but rather rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger which is Bolshevism from the Soviet Union.” ~Patton 7/21/1945 

He came to understand that when fighting Nazi’s, Germans became the innocent victims.   While still acknowledging that Nazism needed to be eradicated, he understood that Bolshevik Communism was an even bigger threat that could ultimately destroy Europe and America.  He referred to the Bolsheviks as “Asiatic Mongols”.   Barbarians.  Animals.

“The noise against me is the only means by which Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany.” ~ Patton

“I was reluctant, in fact unwilling, to be party to the destruction of Germany under the pretense of denazification . . . I believe Germany should not be destroyed, but rather rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger which is Bolshevism from Russia.”  ~ Patton

Patton died December 1945 after a freak car accident wherein he broke his neck, suffered paralysis and supposedly died of a blood clot.   Patton was sitting in the back of his limousine when his driver, PFC Horace Woodring, sped too fast over a railroad crossing in Mannheim, Germany, and plowed into the passenger-side of a left-turning Army truck headed into a depot.

Before his death General Patton made public his views regarding Bolshevik Communism claiming Germany would fall to Communism which would write the epitaph for democracy in the United States.


It took us 75 years to wake up to Patton’s warnings.

Where did the Bolsheviks go after WWII?

Ukraine was overcome by Bolsheviks after their invasion of the Soviet Union 1917.  During WWII Nazi’s moved into Ukraine and together the two factions massacred Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Belarusian peoples.  Post WWII the Bolsheviks controlled Ukraine, and East Berlin.   America initially refused to allow the Bolshevik Jews entry and instead attempted repatriation of POW’s.   Angered, the Bolsheviks wanted no part of their 1917 homeland and demanded immigration status to the US.

Many people across Europe and America believed that Germany had created a Fifth Column of spies and allowing any immigrants into the US would put America at risk.   The Fifth Column was believed to be comprised of communists sympathetic with Nazis who would bring down America from within.  By 1941 over 300,000 Bolsheviks were requesting immigration visas to the US.

To help effectuate this mass immigration, the Jews created private relief agencies:  Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Emergency Rescue Committee, International Rescue Committee (IRC), JDC, etc… all of which were funded thru Jewish philanthropy.

The IRC was formed as a collaboration of the Communist Party members purged by Stalin and the Social Workers Party at the request of Albert Einstein  in 1931.

Communist sympathizers were persona non grati after WWII, thus the UK and US agreed to provide them with a statehood of their own – Palestine.  This resulted in the 1948 Israel Independence Agreement to establish Palestine as a place for communist Bolshevik settlements under the tutelage of The House of Rothschild – only seculars need to apply.

With the help of Eleanor Roosevelt, the International Refugee Organization which became the International Rescue Committee (IRC), was established to help coordinate the immigration of Bolshevik Jews into America.   Founded by Varian Fry, the IRC was funded by the US National War Fund working in collaboration with British intelligence.   After the war, in the 1950’s the communist Bolshevik IRC formed the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) whose members have included Angela Merkel – a communist.   And Germany was thus absorbed into Communism just as General Patton had predicted.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society was created in 1881 to assist Russian jews coming to America.  The organization set up a booth at Ellis Island and proceeded to allow entry to over 100,000 by 1904.  By the end of WWI – the Hebrew Aid Society had registered over 482,700 Bolsheviks.   HIAS went on to create a worldwide network of organizations across Canada, South America, China, and Australia.  The purpose was to import communism.

By 1925, the US east coast agency of HIAS had established Jewish only schools, universities, grocery stores, banks, and settlements.

This is how communism spread across America taking it down – from within.   Just as General Patton predicted shortly before his assassination.   The same ideology employed by George Soros – when he declared the only two countries standing in the way of his FULL Global takeover were Russia and the US.

The Fifth Column:    “a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within national borders.”  Such as the CIA and MI6.   In this context, the enemy is Bolshevik Communists.

“The noise against me is the only means by which Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany. There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.  All Europe will be Communist.”    ~ General Patton

NATO & The EU European Peace Facility War Machine

In 2021, the European Union created their own military – European Peace Facility.   Despite its claim of building peace and preventing conflicts – they have instead instigated conflicts and provided weaponry to western backed governments or military juntas.  Some of these peace building initiatives include funding military operations in such countries as:  Macedonia, Nigeria, Jordan, Ukraine, Boznia, Ghana, Moldova, Somalia etc…   Their first distribution of funds was $130 million to the African Union.   Included in their detail description of the military spending is this phrase,  “…designed to deliver lethal force”.  CODE = KILL.  Peace is NOT mentioned.

The funding for these military operations comes from member countries of the EU which still cannot meet their NATO 2% mandate.   The same NATO paid for predominantly by American Taxpayers.   NATO’s last Audited Financial Statements were for 2021 wherein the audit revealed 82 issues (code for fraud) and made recommendations such as;  Internal control weaknesses found in the financial reporting process, covering areas such as the presentation of the budget execution statements, the classification and recognition of customer advances Morale and Welfare Activities, related party disclosures, NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control and Air Ground Surveillance contribution in kind recognition and disclosure, the disclosure of a provision related to NSIP receivables, and the Central Pipeline European System…

NATO was happy with this report because the previous year they had 102 errors and were required to resubmit their financials – which they did – late.  Apparently they neglected to audit their 2022 or 2023 statements.  Imagine ANY company being run in such a ramrod rimshod preek of shiitake?

ANYWHO – The US gives NATO 2/3rd of its annual budget.   Europe and Canada together contribute less than 50% of what the US obliges or 32% of total.   In 2021, the EU‘s GDP was $14.5 trillion, Canada’s was $2 trillion = $16.5 total.   The US GDP was $22.3 trillion.   THUS contributions should have been distributed 43% and 57% – even in a skewed world.  Personnel costs represent 71% of the budget.  NATO ramrod.

As the US and UK deplete their stockpile weapon inventory aiding and abetting the Ukraine and Israel wars, disrupting African nations via coups, Saudi Arabia just wrapped up their largest ever World Defense Show with weapon sales topping $6.9 billion.   At the event, Lockheed Martin announced that it would begin manufacturing parts for its THAAD system in Saudi Arabia.  Lockheed gets upwards of 70% of its annual funding from US Government contracts in the $53 billion range.

Raytheon which gets 50% of its contract funding from the US Government was also representative at the World Defense Show given their operations in Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi represent a valuable portion of their American Taxdollar FUND.

Countries attending the show revealed their concern that the world is entering a global phase of pre-war that will erupt into a titan of destruction.  Given the West has depleted its inventory and spent billions creating disinformation campaigns and coups across Africa, they stand to be most at risk – while simultaneously initiating the stage for War..

According to Lockheed, 28% of its customers are International and an additional 5% are Commercial.  Those International customers include:  Japan, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Germany and the UAE.   Hypothetically, what if the Middle East implodes against western backed colonialism?   Like China – suddenly the Middle East will become persona non grati.  Their support of Israel – dirt.   Sanctions will be imposed.   And trade will devolve into the abyss.   Yet – The Middle East may at this point have more weaponry than the US, having bought their entire arsenal from France, US, UK, and Spain.   Germany is defunct… no longer viable.

America would bend a knee.

It seems to me The Temporary Fear Propaganda about a Severe Security Threat against the US by Russia – in the midst of the unraveling of the Russia CIA Illusion – is more ego driven than political.   It reveals that the US ‘forgot’ to actually go to work at the Defense Industry and build instead of culturally pronouning.  In that event we might actually have superior military capability.  Alas, our military complex was too busy playing the Epstein Island diddle dance.

They brought in Musk hoping he could make something of Nikola Tesla’s some 1000 or more designs and patents the CIA stole when he died in 1950 something.   Oddly, no one was able to decipher the work – until many decades later VOILA a Musk was born of this stratosphere.  According to Musk he anticipates being able to land a man on the moon in perhaps – 5 years….

Feeding the Truth Conspiracy.

Somehow I am going to align all these disparate thoughts…

When researching history and/or The Bible, there is truly one dominant theme – WAR.   The last generation of Peace was during the Minoan civilization which lived quite nicely between 2800 BC and 1200 BC.   What differentiated them from the rest of the world was the fact that they didn’t war.   They had no aspiration for someone else’s land.   They happened to be rather adept at ‘trade’ and flourished quite nicely until the Barbarians warred and destroyed them – and desecrated their land.

The War that is alive in this world today has many rises and defeats in history.   There are two imperatives the Zion west requires in order to even begin to recreate their image – 1.  they must take over all social media and completely censor it in dictatorship mode,   and 2.   They must realize their share of global dominance is now reduced significantly to perhaps 30%.

You see.   Minoan society had to be destroyed because it showed that there is a heaven on earth when showered in the wings of angels.   Suffering is a forced creation.    And false preachers have led us to believe that unless we are suffering hideous trauma – we are not Christians.   Suffering, to the extent it is executed today, is created – it is NOT natural.   For Example – Cain and Abel.   The Parable is about ego – and allowing ego to rule your psyche.  It speaks to every Leader in the world – throughout antiquity.

Because in its basest form – ruling is about ego.

The Zion mind is perhaps 2-4 times higher in EGO QUOTIENT.   Ego is the basis of war – ie winning.   So when you have a Zion ego running entire colonies under the British Tzar, you create Freaks.  And these Freaks go on to rule countries.   But because their entire mind quotient is – self – their EMPIRES FALL.

There was a time frame wherein movies promoted the idea of reliving an event over and over again until ‘you get it right’.   That would be the failures in nth quotient we have lived for centuries of civilizations constantly fighting this stupid alternate species brainstem.   And for some odd reason – the aliens allow them to … continue.

General Milley’s Last Words Confirm His Sedition and Likely Treason

General Milley formally exited ‘stage left’ by evoking Hate Speech’:   “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.   And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,”   he spat.   “We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”   

Not only does this crude statement reveal a man enshrined in hate, it reveals a General who has no idea what the oath of office is for officers!   A) he takes an oath to the Constitution of the United States our COUNTRY – not to China – not to Ukraine – not to Taiwan!   B) he takes an oath to ‘obey the President of the United States’.  

He did neither of these things and has now gone on record digging his grave for the world to hear and absorb.   His last words are words of sedition.   Sedition:   Speech or organization that includes subversion of The US Constitution.

The Oath states:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed …

The media has an interesting take on defining ‘hate speech’ – and instead references this ‘Generals’ choice of outgoing statements as a simple Trump ‘jab’.   Of course the media has zero understanding of the Military, its vows of discretion and honor and respect!   They only know Hollywood Che Guevara Sean Penn deviance of how military officials are supposed to be conduct themselves, and the hierarchy that entails.   The President is Milley’s Commander in Chief.   Not the other way around.  And if he cannot abide that Commander – he has the option to RESIGN.   Effective immediately.

Worse yet, Private First Class Milley, made his statements in front of cadets, other servicemen, and media, thereby enhancing his choice of words within the colossal potential for Treason by admitting he failed to uphold his Oath of Office under Trump, did not uphold The Constitution, and instead colluded with China – and made secret phone calls with CCP officials while still under Oath to President Trump.   An allegiance deviance.

In addition to Hate Speech, sedition, and treason – Milley revealed rampant ‘stupidity’ in his public display which he can not now deny happened.

In a similar vein of idiocy, Twitter influencer, Mehdi Hasan, made the unproven declaration that Hate Speech on Twitter has increased 1000x since Musk bought the company.   Without anyone asking, he decided to take upon himself to hold his own Challenge and thus prove he is right.   But in classic liberal scream fashion, he failed to edit his own tweets, which are rife with “Hate Speech”!   Stupidity has taken the reins of the liberals.   They cannot undo.

Now that we are globally witness to Gen. Milley’s seditious outgoing ‘hate speech’ he should be stripped of his rank and pension.    Milley’s illustrious career ended with Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Afghanistan Freedom.   Which liberated Iraq and Afghanistan of roughly 350,000 lives and Taxpayers of $4-$6 TRILLION.   Afghanistan is now controlled by the Taliban and Iraq is an ally of Russia.  WELL DONE!

Who did win these wars?   The Military Industrial Complex whose 2000 budget was $320 billion compared to today – $1 trillion annually – $1,000,000,000,000.   Not including the Ponzi Funds given to USAID, US State Department and NGO’s. By comparison, the next highest amount spent on Military is the UK at $68 billion.   A differential of nearly 1500%.

In my esteemed opinion, Milley should be more concerned with his deviance from supporting the American Citizens to inserting endless coups, wars, and depopulation.   He should be apologizing to The American People for losing every war since Vietnam.   For raping every one of us of our slave labor to this end.   And for NOT utilizing BASIC strategic and détente means to assure America is a nation of literal democracy instead of playing a Tactics II game board of destruction!

In my esteemed opinion, Milley and many other Generals should be relinquished of their pensions and their stripes. They have NOT protected Americans – and as such have degraded their entire OATH of office. They have lost the wars they initiated – including Ukraine, and have no honor to Honor. They operate on a spear of MONEY.  

As the Real General‘s Daughter – this military of today truly disgusts me.  

Department of Defense Run By Incompetent Boobs

African states are splintering. There are two factions; the ones accepting US/France colonization and those who declare their sovereignty.   In the quest for Chips and Minerals, the US reliance on China is seen as purgatory.   Having been culled from other nations, the US is now looking for Namibia to be their regime.   Given both the President and Prime Minister are US trained groupies, Namibia’s government will likely give the US whatever it wants.

With a GDP over $12 billion, Namibia has a poverty rate over 50%.   But the US sees the country as a potential for colonizing their resources. In particular: diamonds, oil, copper, uranium, and rare earth metals necessary for building defense systems. Currently, Namibia’s export partners include;   South Africa, China, Belgium, Botswana, and Germany. The US is about to levy a heavy hand.

The countries with the greatest reserves in rare earth minerals are: China, Vietnam, Brazil and Russia.

As the US Military transfers weapons to Taiwan, General Milley has warned the US State Department that creating WWIII in Taiwan will not end well.   Why?   Our stock of military weapons is on empty. Perhaps we should curtail arming other countries like Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Brunei, Barkino Faso, Bulgaria, Brazil and Barundi – and that’s just the A’s and B’s….

The US needs a friendly ally in Taiwan. They are the major supplier of chips to the US – and until that changes, the US will continue to court Taiwan.   That shift is scheduled to occur in 2025 when the newly constructed largest in the world Intel chip plant in Ohio is operational. At that point the Taiwan courtship is over, and the need has been resolved.  As is protocol, the US is likely to hand Taiwan to China and be done with it. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration has already made the declaration so there is no walking back the intent.

China provided necessary components for the US Military Industrial Complex. China decoupling was a mistake. The US Cabalists fatal error was not having ‘alternatives’ in place before demonizing the bad boy China.   Now the fence is wobbly and no one seems to communicate leaving grandiose holes in the US trade partnerships.   Including those rare earth metals/minerals necessary to restock weapon inventories! Hence – rape the African nation Namibia is the alternative presented by Center For Strategic Studies.

Recently Zelenskyy declared that he had personally seen the stocked US warehouses filled with weapons that should all be transferred to Ukraine for safe keeping.   Not sure why our military thought it wise to show Zelenskyy the US stockpile – but then Zelenskyy has risen to heights of godly proportions in the bobble heads of the US Military and Congress.

Soon the IRS will have more ammo than the US military!

Between 2018 and 2022, before the war, 29 countries were arming Ukraine.   The US, Poland, UK and Germany were the largest suppliers. This would give every indication that the war was being staged 4 years before it occurred.

Zelenskyy made his debut into the world as a gay porn dancer and yet the liberals who adore him demand that the US President be of the moral and ethical values of a saint. An odd excursion into OZ.

Today our esteemed military is asking for assistance from citizens who might have spotted an F-35 crash landing followed by its explosion into a fireball… which is somehow nontrackable by the entire Military.   Because somehow, the esteemed agents of defense who can train Ukrainian pilots in the US can’t find an $80 million lost jet.   The fact that Ukrainians were slated to begin training in the US as of September 15, alludes to the situation.   The pilot ejected from an operational jet. The jet originated from the Marine Corp base in Beaufort S.C. which hosts one F-35 training squadron.

The scuttle is that the jet lost its tracking capability ( the mishap).   Tracking and surveillance equipment are powered by rare earth minerals. Did Lockheed skip corners?   Lockheed Martin’s F-35 stealth fighter uses 920 pounds of rare earths per plane in its electronic warfare systems, targeting radars, and electric motors.

Lockheed Martin makes the F-35 Lightening II.   Their quarterly financials for September thru December 2022 revealed: Net Income up 444%, EPS up 441%, Net Change in Cash up 1242%.   In 2022, Lockheed won a $30 billion DoD contract for 398 F-35’s for the US Military, International Partners and Foreign Military sales. 268 of the 398 are presold to Switzerland, Czech Republic, Canada, Germany, Finland and Greece.   The money for these international sales comes from – US Taxpayers giving Lockheed its profit.

Technically, that should mean every US Taxpayer has a share value in Lockheed.

March 2023, Lockheed sold its UK Seabed Resources company to Norway. UKSR holds two seabed exploration licenses in the Pacific Ocean’s Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), a 4.5 million square kilometre (1.7 million square mile) swathe of sea floor lined with potato-sized rocks rich in resources such as: coal, diamonds, uranium, zinc, platinum, palladium, cobalt, copper, nickel, and manganese.  And rare earth minerals.

Apparently ruining our oceans is far more valuable than preserving relations with countries that have the minerals.   The authority to destroy our oceans comes from the UN initiative, International Seabed Authority based in Jamaica.

The logic:   1.   Decouple from the only source of rare minerals – China. 2. Have no alternative in place.   3. Consider the US colony Namibia as a potential source for lost rare earth minerals forcing current trade partners out of business. 4. Tax US Taxpayers to give their money to Lockheed to build 268 F-35’s for sale to other countries. 5. Tell Lockheed to sell their seabed exploration licensed company to Norway for an undisclosed amount initially financed by US Taxpayers who do not get reimbursed for its sale.  6.  Train Ukrainian pilots who don’t speak English on $80 million F-35’s.

VOILA!   Now If We Could Just Find Alice We Could Leave Her Wonderland…

Military Industrial Complex Unraveled & Exposed

CVC Capital Partners is a private equity investment advisory firm in Luxembourg holding over $155 billion in assets.   CVC was a spinoff of Citicorp in 1990 and is considered the largest private equity firm in Europe.   In 2019, CVC Capital bought a majority stake in Teneo. Teneo is a ‘global advisory firm’ with extensive ties to the Clinton family.   Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were both on the advisory board of Teneo.   Huma Abedin, was a paid consultant at Teneo during her tenure as assistant to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Other advisors include Paul Ryan, George Mitchell and Chris Dodd.

Chris Dodd went on to become President of the Motion Picture Association – a 501©(3) that determines content for every major media outlet including Disney, Universal, Sony, Paramount, Warner Bros, and Netflix.   Past Presidents have all come from US government positions

In 2022, Teneo acquired a majority interest in Westexec.   Westexec was founded by Anthony Blinken and Michele Flournoy in 2017.   Their list of 40 advisors include: FORMER, National Security Advisors, US – UN Officials, US Ambassadors, CIA Directors, Special ops, Federal Reserve Directors, NASA, Department of Defense, a slew of generals from all military branches, etc… all having served during the Obama Administration.

Teneo is a Partner at the World Economic Forum.

What these Westexec advisors do is run the wars and staff the presidential offices to support their wars. They write the major media scripts that are distributed daily – and they write Biden’s teleprompts. Given the executive picks of Biden’s cabinet are fundamentally weak and ineffective, they were likely chosen for their malleability and basic uselessness so as to effectuate Westexec advisors.

Westexec clients have included Boeing and McKinsey & Co.   Before being accepted into the “Cabal Club” one must first go through an intensive make-over at McKinsey.   Once the make-over is complete, said person will be ‘elected’ into office or appointed into a cabinet position. Often book deals are the money laundering catalyst to help secure their loyalty.

McKinsey & Co is a partner at the World Economic Forum.

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of the, Future of Freedom Foundation, concisely analyzes how the US creates the circumstances to incite wars.   In particular, he emphasizes the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as a preemptive provocation.   Highly recommend their Website!   It has been presented by other analysts that the same tactic was used by Rockefeller to provoke Japan into a first strike on the US in WWII.

Each successive war used this fear model on US citizens as justification for murder and ultimate regime change.   The Motion Picture Industry was co-opted by the same advisors from the Department of Defense, CIA, and NSC to create reels of fakery.   They ramped up their efforts when attempting regime change in Syria: Assad is evil – children are dead over and over again – Assad releases toxins – All to justify the absolute destruction of Syria with support from US Taxpayers.

With offices across the globe and upwards of 25 subsidiaries strategically located, CVC Capital was co-founded by Michael Smith, Rolly van Rappard, and Steve Koltes and Donald MacKenzie.

CVC Capital is a Partner at the World Economic Forum.

Michele Flournoy served under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in the Department of Defense. Her father, George Flournoy was a cinematographer for – Paramount.   Like Ash Carter, Flournoy was a hawkish advocate for ‘pre-emptive strikes’ against perceived enemies including Iran and North Korea. She also founded the Center For a New American Security  (CNAS) in 2007.

Billed as being militaristic, CNAS funding comes from Northrup Grumman, Lockheed, Chevron, Raytheon (30 defense contractors), the UAE, BofA, Google, Microsoft, and The Open Society Foundation – among others. Speakers have included Hillary Clinton and General Petraeus. Their funders typically offer dual roles as advisors promoting military interventionism.

What we can extract from these NGO affiliates is that nongovernmental means stakeholder governmental.

It means the power shift has already occurred.   It means that as we pull back the red curtain of OZ, they are being forced to come out of the shadows.   It means that the entire Biden Administration is a hoax.   And all of the 15 cabinets overseen by the US President are fronts administered by incompetent, corrupt puppets.   It means every one of these NGO’s is an affiliate/partner within the World Economic Forum and Wars have all been preceded by the Western creation of incited chaos to support the Military Industrial Complex.

Russia was taunted to go to war with Ukraine.   China’s economy was destroyed by these NGO task forces to cripple it as a competitor.   And the US is being ruled by bug eyed war hawks bent on making as much money as possible before Agenda 2030 coopts every global economy under the tutelage/totalitarian rule of Stakeholders.

EXCEPT.   They are unprepared for the unveiling before their power vacuum is completed.   This advantage came about because they did not adhere to The Art of War tenets – never underestimate your enemy:

“He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. He will win who’s army is animated by the same spirit throughout all it’s ranks. He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.”

This must be used to our advantage.

The United States Is NOT A Republic: It Is A Corporate Entity via New American Security

A Presidential candidate in Ecuador was assassinated.   And the US is sending a security force of FBI agents to Ecuador to investigate.   Why? Because the candidate was a US Puppet.   Germany has determined he was shot by rival Mexican cartels – perhaps they think Ecuador is in Mexico?    In actuality, Ecuador has been a proxy state of the US since it’s independence from Colombia in the 1930’s.   Since then coups and assassinations have been somewhat commonplace with the CIA front and center in allegations.

In 2000, Ecuador adopted the US dollar as its national currency despite being a Spanish nation.   The most recent American affiliate President of Ecuador was Rafael Correa who took office in 2007, shortly after returning to Ecuador from his residence in Illinois.

A left wing socialist, Correa’s economy was built on oil and gas.   When the price of gas deflated 50%, Correa had no money to prop up the socialist reforms and welfare state he had built.   As the economy entered a recession, Correa fled to Belgium. An arrest warrant was issued but Belgium refused to comply.

The next US proxy insert was Lenin Moreno.   He earned numerous awards during his tenure, including a nomination for the Nobel Prize despite having an approval rating of just 9%… Most importantly, he allowed oil drilling in the Amazon Rainforest. Leaving office amid charges of bribery and corruption, Moreno fled to Paraguay and works for the Organization of American States.

Fernando Villavicencio thus became the next US proxy – given the US need to maintain a military base on the Galapagos Islands and continue to ravage the Amazon Rainforest unfettered and unregulated.

Enter Anthony Blinken – losing yet another US colony, Blinken will need to find a new candidate.   Stretched a bit thinly, Blinken has announced the possibility of sending US military troops to Niger, his latest faux pas.

There are numerous bureaus under the direct overseer, Secretary of State, including;   Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Bureau of Health Security and Diplomacy, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Executive Secretariat, Office of Civil Rights , Office of DEI, and Counselor of The Department.

These three Bureaus are key.   These agency directors have diverse backgrounds, ie they were all initially appointed by Obama.   Their backgrounds include; CIA, DoD, Harvard, CDC, WHO, Bill Gates, USAID, CSIS, NED, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and the Center For a New American Security, among others.

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) was founded in 2007 by Michele Flourney and Kurt Campbell. Their function is to create wars and coups so as to colonize countries for the Cartel.   Their goal is to ‘secure’ natural resources, energy, critical minerals, land, water, and biodiversity from countries around the world on behalf of their funders – military contractors, oil & gas companies and Open Society Foundation.

These Funding Companies are running the US Government. They call the shots.   They determine where and when the wars will be.   They determine Geoengineering targets.   They own Congress – both parties.

In other words – The United States NOT a Republic, it is a Corporation ruled by stakeholders.   And Congress is a deflection of corporate ownership. Congress does the bidding of their owners within the schematic of milking taxpayers of their wages.   Presidential candidates are given tasks during their campaigns with one candidate chosen at the onset who will win ‘by an upset’. They created our debt. They create inflation.   They create recessions.    They tell Blinken what to do.

When you are good, they will reward you with money. But when you are bad, and allow their colonies to be whiplashed by regimes outside of the Funders schematic, you will be severely punished and banished from their protection via the CIA, NSA, and FBI.   Under Anthony Blinken’s watch he has lost Ukraine, Niger, and now Ecuador.

Quietly, 2 days ago, Biden pre-emptively signed an Executive Order that will take effect sometime in 2024. Likely written by the director at the Bureau of Intelligence & Research, the EO is accompanied by a declaration of a National Emergency. Citing China, Hong Kong, and Macau, the EO declares that investment in ‘certain’ technology, AI and military industries in these countries will be prohibited.   Therefore companies already doing business with the CCP are on notice to decouple and leave China before the EO takes effect.

The National Emergency powers entitle the President to 136 distinct statutory emergency powers. Powers that would under normal circumstances not be authorized. 13 of these require a declaration from Congress; the remaining 123 are assumed by an executive declaration with no further Congressional input.

There are currently 42 National Emergencies still in effect:   the vast majority involve blocking and freezing assets of other countries funds under US jurisdiction.

Biden’s EO directs the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, to issue regulations that monitor or prohibit transactions that may help China develop technology to counter US national security capabilities… The West has effectively destroyed China’s real estate market and will be attempting to setback China’s technology and military via this EO.

The end result would be to diminish the power and value of the BRICS – inline with the diminishing of Western Countries wealth distribution.   Thereby attempting to ensure a Cartel Closed Door.   And the completion of the pyramid ORDER.


Pre-Earthquake, Erdogan was adamant that he would not approve of Finland and Sweden joining the NATO ascension throne.   Post earthquake, Erdogan has given his approval for fast-tracking.   In addition, despite a contractual agreement with Putin, Erdogan allowed five Azov Battalion Nazis free from their Turkish prison. The agreement with Russia stipulated that once the war was over, the five Nazis could be freed to Ukraine.

Is the Russia-Ukraine war over?   No.   But the obvious threat to Erdogan was a repeat of the earthquake multiplied by ten.   And the threat-makers are likely at their desks in Langley.

From Russia’s standpoint, Sweden and Finland were already well entrenched in the socialist Marxist ideology.   And the award ceremony is mere pomp and circumstance. While Finland borders Russia, Sweden does not.   Typically, the reason by western mobsters would be to use Finland as a human shield for the front of an EU war.   A Sacrificial Lamb – if they embraced God. But they don’t.

Finland’s membership in the Cult is not even 3 months old and the US is putting together a contract for multiple military bases and fultime deployment of US troops.   The official briefing, “The presence of US forces will help strengthen Finland’s defensive potential”.   The unofficial commentary – A)  the US spends anywhere from $80 billion to $160 billion annually (Pentagon Math) to maintain current overseas bases.   B)   the military is short-staffed to the tune of 25%   C)   the military weapon stash is depleted.   D) the cost to build a new base is roughly $800 million – and the US is proposing multiple bases in Finland, Sweden and Denmark.

Sounds eerily like a military takeover of three European countries simultaneously.

It also wreaks of US allowing Ukraine to completely fall to Russia while they reconnoiter efforts to the North for a future offensive. That would mean Soros and the Cartel have been sufficiently compensated for their various trafficking enterprises that were stalled by the Russian incursion via aide packages that never went to Ukraine.

On that note:   Today Biden opposed an independent audit of Ukraine aid to date.   Surprise!

ALL of these northern European base maneuvers are hardly a defensive move, the offensive is preparing for a long war with Russia to the tune of decades.   Only the next time the US and Europe will be the invaders.   Soros, Biden, and most of the aging pool of neocons will have hit the bucket by then – making what they do now dependent on the same evil existing forever.

The strategy is stagnant.   Germany never needed US bases.   Nor is it the responsibility of the US.   A now seemingly ‘broke’ US.   So where will The Pentagon ‘find’ the money if Yellen keeps telling us we are moving toward a recession while using fake employment numbers to justify raising interest rates to 1970’s levels?   If the government caves employment, they cave tax dollars, they cave Pentagon expenditures.

Who the Fark is running the show?  Because they apparently have a combined IQ of 50 and the military strategic analysis of a poolboy.

Finland and Sweden currently spend about $15 billion per year for their military expenditures combined.   Under the NATO 2% guideline, Sweden would need to nearly double its current spending on defense. Assuming that NATO actually upholds the 2% requirement, which it hasn’t since its inception.   Of course, this time is Different – every NATO member has ‘pledged’ – pinky swear, to make the 2% sometime within the next decade…or two.

After 70 years, only 7 of the 30 NATO members have actually spent 2% of GDP on defense – 23%.   How can that be?   USAID.

The US gives Foreign Aid to 172 countries.   There are a total of 195 countries on the globe counting The Vatican.   That means the US is footing the bill for 90% of the world! The Brookings Institute states that Foreign Aid in 2019 was only $38 Billion or less than 1% of The Federal Budget.   Another source states the aid in 2019 was $47 billion. Still another put the figure at $33 billion and another at $51 billion.

The problem with fudging the books is that you need to make sure everyone spits out the same answer.

The US Constitution Article 8, Clause 3, regulates the power of Congress to spend money on foreign nations for the purpose of ‘Commerce’.   As in Trade.   Using taxpayer dollars for Foreign Aid is NOT Constitutional!

Between 1945 and 1953, the US government illegally gave nearly $6 billion to Asian countries – the vast majority going to China/Taiwan (given that Taiwan was given to China post WWII).

In 1961, Congress enacted The Foreign Assistance Act, which was signed as an Executive Order by JFK. The Act was written by James Fulbright, a democrat hawk who supported US integration into NATO, UN, Marshall Plan, and a European Union. He also supported President Truman’s firing of General McArthur over his anti-Communist stance. Fulbright declared that communism was not our enemy – The Soviet Union was our biggest threat.   Lost on him was that the Soviets were Communist.   However, Fulbright’s advocacy against McCarthy leant clarity to Fulbright’s embrace of communism.   Fulbright’s entire tenure in the federal government was the preservation of communism in the US.

The Foreign Assistance Act enabled the formation of USAID.   The Act declared that no assistance would ever go to a communist country, nor to any country that violated ANY Human Rights.   Which would basically eliminate nearly every country on earth from aid today!   However, it was this Act that Biden used as justification to give aid to Ukraine – illegally – given the human rights violations in Ukraine have been documented by Amnesty International and in numerous UN Reports for decades.

AND NOT One Congressman considered a vote of violation.

Sending troops abroad has also been a point of contention given that the US Constitution would take precedent over a NATO agreement.  The US Military now has 750 bases spread across 80 countries.   This represents 80% to 90% of ALL Foreign bases across the globe. The main tenets for overseas bases include:   1. Deterrence whether real or imagined,   2.   Reassure allies.

The CATO Institute, The Brookings Institute, Foreign Policy Center and others have all challenged the entire concept of foreign bases.   There is no Constitutional or legal basis for the precedent.   In fact – the US Government takes it to extreme by having a base in northern Syria WITHOUT permission of the government.   Not to mention theft of Syria’s oil.

It is no wonder aid to Iraq last year increased exponentially given the oil taken from Syria is sold on the Iraqi black market. And booked as Foreign Aid by The Pentagon.

Always looking out for the Cartels:   Trafficking, Banking and Military Industrial, The US Government is apparently RingLeader personified..

As Ukraine takes a nosedive following their non-integration into EU Membership the US is already in Plan D mode creating a trafficking route on the northern spectrum of Europe via Finland, Denmark and Sweden.   With ALL that this implies.

The Vatican – The New World Order – The Vatican’s Military

In preparation for Election 2024, movements are being made across the globe.

While we are distracted with the media, protests and social media frenzy about stacking the Supreme Court – Pope Francis has been busily stacking the Vatican!   And his latest visitors, including Billy the kid Clinton, likely helped in Francis’ pronouncement of 21 NEW and improved Cardinals.   Francis has already inserted 2/3rds of the 130 cardinals eligible to elect the next Pope.   His focus?   Churchmen who align with his values.  

For Example:

  • Bishop Stephen Sau-yan Chow:   He was just appointed Bishop of Hong Kong in 2021, and is now an inserted Cardinal.   He, like Francis, is a Jesuit.
  • Monsignor Pierbattista Pizzaballa of Jerusalem:   His appointment as a Biship is also new – 2020.   He is a member of the Order of Malta.   The order claims continuity with the Knights Hospitaller led by a Grand Master.   The Knights are part of a sovereign military order. It was the Knights Hostelier that annihilated The Knights Templar.

The Order of Malta is funded in part by Malteser International whose auxiliaries include: Military Corps, Air Force and Navy.   Based out of Germany, they were a part of the military battles of the Crusades for 9 centuries.   Their 2021 budget was 91.9 million euro. Additional funding for The Order is derived from Partnerships which include the UN, Bill Gates, USAID, The German Society for International Sustainable Development, WHO, WEF, governments – and others.

Despite being housed at The Vatican, despite the Order being a designee of The Pope, despite the vast resources of The Vatican – it does NOT fund The Order’s $2.3 billion annual budget.  

Notable members of The Order of Malta have included: Prescott Bush, George Bush Jr., Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, Rockefeller, two of the Kennedy family – Joseph and Ted, Queen Elizabeth II, Charles, Duke of Castro, Mussolini, and an odd outlier – Jimmy Savile, convicted pedophile.

George Bush Jr. Order of Malta:

Their goal is the elimination of Islam.   ISIS. Al Qaeda.   9-11.

Erik Prince Order of Malta:

The Military auxiliary of The Malta has been described as Mercenaries.

In 2013, Academi subsidiary International Development Solutions received a $92 million contract for State Department security guards. That would be Hillary Clinton. In February 2022, Erik Prince visited Zelenskyy in Kyiv. Prince is backed and funded by Lloyd Austin and Avril Haines of the DoD.

The link between The Vatican – Blackwater mercenaries – Ukraine – and The Pentagon is The Order of Malta.

Pope Francis Vatican Order of Malta:

In 2022, Francis fired the entire board of The Order amidst ongoing sexual assault claims and internal divisions that had splintered the members.     Francis and Marco Luzzago, Lieutenant of the Military Order, then rewrote the Order’s Constitution wherein ultimate power over everything they do now resides entirely in the Pope and not the Lay Members.   The newly appointed board consists of lawyers, pediatricians, and bankers.   Luzzago died in 2022 of sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

According to their website, The Order makes grants to its own 21 ‘subsidiaries’ which then spend it on administration while volunteers perform the work. There are no tax filings as it comes under the umbrella of The Vatican.

The Vatican and it’s numerous appendages are funded by global governments via taxpayers.    The Vatican is rooting its establishment as a cornerstone of the Global Order via military and monetary means housed within the ideology of The Jesuits  and the Protectorate of Vatican City.

It was under this ancient tutelage of Catholicism and ultimately Christianity that a key Biblical word was retranslated: Magisterium.   Biblically, Magisterium means ‘teacher’. But sometime in the 12 century, in order to assert Power over Monarchies, the Pope redefined magisterium as “Religious Authority”!    At this point monarchies were beholden to The Pope and his administrators.   The moment it all went awry.

The Appearance – is that the New World Order will proceed without its former allies including the BRICS and all forthcoming BRICS members in waiting. Business as Usual.

HOW?   How can the West put together a New World Order & RESET when they only own 40% of the global governments?

Short Answer – They Can’t. But they can project an illusion – via AI.

WEF Order of Malta:

AI is in the medium stages of perfecting the projection of arbitrary individuals who speak and look like their ‘character’ yet are invoked via Artificial Reality.   Artificial Reality is programmed with the analysis and data restrictive to the ‘Programmers’.   Therefore, we could essentially have 5-1000 different AI programmers of the same person evoking completely different personality agendas.

Right now there are subtle means of identifying an AI person vs. reality – eye movement, emotion, mouth deformations, and critical thinking analysis.   It is Critical Thinking that is key to the survival of America.   Without this particular avenue, the next generation will be lost – unable to discern reality from AI.

The main targets of the WEF align with the targets of the Vatican’s Order of Malta – Africa and China. The propaganda tool is different.   For them it is ‘disease’; Ebola, Dengue, Malaria, Zika, anything and everything that can be blamed on Mosquitoes.

But what if this theory, just like the Bat Theory – is WRONG?

UN – Permament Status Order of Malta:

Integrated in all things global, the Order of Malta has become a permanent member of the UN and organizes events and debates with 40 International Organizations and 750 NGO’s. Between 1997 and 2004, the Open Society Foundation formed a partnership with the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta.

In 2005, Bill Gates was knighted by Queen Elizabeth as overseen by the Pope.   The knighthood guarantees protection under The Holy See.

Rockefeller Order of Malta:

The first mosquito theories of disease were pronounced in the early 1900’s just as the Rockefeller Institute was creating its first vaccine.   The same vaccine that ultimately caused Bacterial pneumonia and killed hundreds of thousands.   Before the Rockefellers, it was worldly accepted that disease was caused by polluted water contaminated by waste and the vapors from decay and rotting vegetation. The word ‘Malaria’ translates to ‘bad air’. The word for diseases of this nature was “Miasma”.

Nearly all diseases were borne of fetid air and water.  The medical solution or cure for miasma was cleanliness and eliminating potential sources of vapor rot or ‘sewer gas’.

Pope Francis is well known for his penchant for Hollywood – even if the visitor is secular or atheist.   Hollywood the Land of Sin.   June 2021, Pope Francis met with Anthony Blinken.   Pelosi paid a visit June 2022.   May 2023, Pope Francis met with Zelenskyy. Last Week, July 5th, Pope Francis met with Bill Clinton, Marc Mezvinsky and Alex Soros.   Clinton thanked the Pope for all his service and handed him a note.

The Militia IRS Training Agents to KILL Americans! The Last BATTLE!

Yet another mass shooting, multiple injuries, multiple fatalities, and thousands of traumatized witnesses.   Despite this and other shootings that have escalated during the Biden Handler Administration by 50%-60% the overwhelming reaction is grief and compassion.   Hearts breaking, we know that these horrific events are rooted in gun confiscation.   And somehow the agenda is more important than the lives lost – and the agenda is spurred by internally evil persons motivated by nothing more than POWER>  

“IRS Agents” are being trained to kill Americans.   The most recent report states that roughly $30 million has been spent so far on guns and ammunition for agents tasked with ‘collecting taxes’.   A militia trained by the CIA.   The job description posted requires training in murder.   And we have no idea what sort of American would apply for the opportunity to kill Americans.

OR is the militia really a shadow military whose only duty is to defend The Mafia Cartel?  

The Neocons want to rally a militia against Mexican gangs to defend us against the fentanyl propagation into the US by China.   According to the Liberal Speak.   But who would they really be ordered to KILL?    Magats?   Are these IRS agents from Sudan?  Somalia?   Venezuela?   Colombia?

A homeless man who has been in and out of the justice system and prison over 42 times – is a known menace to society.  To protect innocent passengers, Neely is held in a chokehold until the police can arrive to apprehend an obvious mentally disturbed  vagrant who is now viewed as a martyr.   According to the same shadow militia that aims to insight a US Civil War the rallying cry is,  “He didn’t deserve to die” .   It is the MSM rallying cry as they engage BLM and ANTIFA to incite riots across NYC – destroying property of innocent persons, automobiles, businesses, and livelihoods!

Yet somehow there have been zero war cries to defend the white men and women assaulted, raped, businesses destroyed, lives upended by crime, and death – death – death.   The Christian students.  The two men who were shot execution style for being white.   Two women executed for being white.  The rumble rises!   This what the Cartel wants.   

A 29 year old white blond woman is knifed to death while on her morning run.   Stabbed fifteen times before she succumbs – the MSM yawns.  The perp was black with a lengthy criminal record that went unprosecuted. 

Somehow – the compassion dies.   And Hollywood newscasters reading scripts provided by Soros and Rothschild are – mum to the horrors perpetrated by blacks against whites who are INNOCENT of any wrong doing .   Their brains curdled milk.

Refusing to acknowledge that energy forces can alter brain waves, aka the Cuba Syndrome, aka, the Army veterans who decry their brains are being manipulated, the Agenda is gun confiscation – as though we too are brain dead and will go voluntarily to a death camp.

But we aren’t.  SO they now require a new three letter militia – the IRS.  

Having announced the IRS militia a year ago, no one believed the administration was capable of actually achieving the necessary number of Americans for indoctrination of this mercenary group.   A mercenary acts and reacts based on MONEY.   They are typically highly trained special ops who have no other skillsets.   As I have stated, mercenaries don’t have allegiance, or honor, they fight because fighting is a job.  These newly indoctrinated IRS Agents fight Americans for one thing – MONEY!  They must sign a document attesting to their willingness to kill Americans/

Of course, the ‘mafia government’ claims they vet these IRS mercenaries.   But likely that vetting is to determine which ones have absolutely ZERO conscience over their kills.

And the DISTRACTION would thus be the American historical military, those branches we call – Army, Navy, & Marines.   Those branches have been demeaned into infamy with shoddy training, a recruiting nightmare, horrific conditions and diseases that so transpired.   The focus is on the military we know and believe is our military.   Except it isn’t, our Army, Navy and Marines are instead dying of a mass execution drug called the CoVid Vaccine.

For over a hundred years the Federal Reserve has been building a shadow military of special ops elites.   They are tasked with protecting all things within the Great RESET, the Globalization Agenda, the WEF, and the Final Rise To The Throne.    This is the goal.    A throne.   A slab of stone.   A place of nothingness.   Yet for some odd reason there are a species of humans who envision their entire life within this unthread needle wherein 1% of the world is visible.

The distractions are to disguise this militia rise while we focus on a defunct Military Establishment.

But blind depopulation seems counterproductive.   Why isn’t the Mafia Cartel not seemingly scared?  Do they have an exit strategy that is of a classified means?   Over 50% of the globe is no longer aligned with the US, the West or its Cabalist Genocide.   Yet there are odd nuances:   When stratosphering the sky with toxic streams – why are they not concerned for their own health and that of their children?   That doesn’t make sense.  

Like vacancy rates in accounting for a building’s net worth.   The Mafia Cartel has ‘vacancy rates’ built into their analysis.   Some agendas will fail, some murder schemes will go awry.   But, Hunter Biden is a screw loose in the globalist schematic and has upended their plans.   CALL IN THE CLEANER.   But the CLEANER is overwhelmed with the sheer extent of corruption even The Cleaner is unable to get past the first layer of mud.   So he calls for the militia!   The militia is the FBI, CIA, NSA and the newly deviated IRS.  The extent of criminal activity is so vast that it envelopes some 7 members of the Biden Crime Ring.   And all agencies are needed to CLEAN the mess before the Agenda FAILS.   Again.

Mass Shooting PSYOP

The Kennedy’s were the prominent family across the US and GLOBE.   Until they were assassinated and the Mafia strut it’s strut and announced their authoritarian control – like a GANG WAR they claimed their territory.

They ‘eliminated’ the Kennedys.   Their name.  Their prominence .  Their Reputation.   Their fame.  Their wealth.   And they became synonymous with assassination.   Yet out of the derths and dungeons, Robert Junior decides now is a good time.   NOW – when we sit at the precipice of human species annihilation.   At a time when we come face to face with the Devil.

The Last Battle?

The sheer number of mass shootings under the Biden WH is being called a psyop.   The problem with counting shooting deaths is that MOST large cities that experience the worst crime have NOT reported crime stats to the FBI since 2019.     Most crimes in these cities go un-prosecuted.   Including the RIOTS – which were kept ‘off the books’.

Crime is chaos.   Chaos is the agenda to implement The Great RESET.   It is described Biblically as the work of Satan.   The Cartel is a Satan minion.   Until an offensive strategy is implemented we will continue to cleanup the aftermath of this psyop.  We can not rely on our military to defend us from assassination and genocide.    Making Gun Confiscation the Last Battle.  

Western Militaries Falling Apart as the Pentagon Proposes War With CHINA

Two Black Hawk helicopters down – 9 experienced trainees killed!   The military has no idea why.   No communications were revealed.   NO cause identified.   What are the odds?   Two months ago a Black Hawk went down in Tennessee. No explanation was ever given.   Two trainees killed.   No word from the Pentagon. No word from Lloyd Austin.  

Where is Austin? He’s testifying before Congress over the GOP ‘delay in promotions’ with Austin claiming that delaying promotions is a national security threat…   WTHECK?   There are currently 162 active duty 3 star generals including Rachel Levine in public health and 39 active duty 4 star generals.   One measly war – Ukraine.

Yesterday a Republican Congressman submit impeachment articles against Lloyd Austin for his actions in Afghanistan.   Thirteen active duty servicemen were shot and killed because Austin gave a stand down order when evacuating the country.   In addition, Austin did not account for the BILLIONS in equipment left behind for the Taliban.

Over 8400 troops left the military when Austin imposed the vax mandate. Thousands more have been left in limbo as they assert religious exemptions.   The military refuses to provide data regarding the number of adverse events and deaths related to the vax.   But instead has lowered their standard for enlistment because of low recruitment levels across the board.

Did the Black Hawks go done because of pilot failure?  Heart Attacks?

Despite a lack of troops, Biden is demanding an additional $690 million to support ‘global democracy’ and $9.5 billion for a new department.   The new department will be created within USAID.   The new and improved agency will support:  “free and independent media,” strengthen “information integrity,” fight corruption by having the US Treasury “unmask shell companies,” bolster “human rights and democratic reformers” and defend “free and fair elections.”

In other words the new agency will support bloody coups and more mercenaries in Ukraine.

The US isn’t the only country facing an unprecedented military personnel shortage.   Denmark has announced a shortage of 25% and an army in such a deplorable state it will take years to be combat ready for NATO enlistment.   Canada is short 16,000 members to meet recruitment goals, a 16% shortage.   In addition, Canada claims its inventory of weapons is depleted!    Along with all their gold inventory.

The German Defense Minister claims his army is understaffed and hasn’t adequate equipment.   “The German army is not capable of defending itself against a brutal war.”  The UK’s armed forces has been significantly understaffed since 2018 – not just among troops but among intelligence officers as well.   In 2021, the 82,000 recruitment target was scrapped and replaced with a goal of 72,500 to give the propaganda impression of fully staffed…

The Economist, in the midst of these vast shortages and depleted weapons has declared war on China. Ursula von der Leyen of the EU Commission has called for Europe to be ‘more aggressive and more assertive toward China’.   The new Bad Guy was the old good guy.

Suddenly the Pentagon is concerned that China is luring away former US allies and Lloyd Austin can’t understand why.   Could it be that the unveiling of the US involvement in all things coup and the incompetence of the dementia riddled president does not instill confidence – could those reasons justify the migration?   Could the destruction of economies have anything to do with a boundary crossing?   The Pentagon is loathe to admit failure but the reality cannot deny the gross incompetence and fraud being perpetrated.

Laying bare western nations to a frontal assault by any country seems to be the purposeful agenda for annihilation.   ANY soldier in any military is now being called upon to commit hari-kari suicide.   Their reward?   Moldy barracks, shortages of basic supplies, tainted water, inadequate pay, forced sterilization and heart failure…   While the military industrialists languish in lavish wealth accouterments.

The Handlers have achieved many of their goals in disintegrating livelihoods and destroying education – but their determination to create a vacuum of defense is truly deplorable.

The incompetence of the Biden Administration is the heart and soul of evil.   Every one of these goons is well aware of the extent of harm they are creating. Harm that they somehow feel they will be immune to once their time is suspended.

If the Handlers continue to destroy all nonwestern alliances in favor of the creation of a new empire, the Lloyd Austins, Buttigiegs, and Myorkas will NOT be invited to the party. They will be kicked to the curb.   The new world RESET is about the elimination of the weak.   And the puppet show in the White House have identified themselves as weak, incompetent, greedy, and brazenly rageful goons.